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Usamos cookies funcionales para analizar cómo usan nuestro sitio web los visitantes, así como para observar y mejorar el rendimiento y funcionamiento de dicho sitio web.
Actual forex bonuses
Esto nos permite proporcionarle una experiencia de cliente de alta calidad, identificando y solucionando rápidamente cualquier problema que pueda surgir. Por ejemplo, podemos usar cookies para hacer un seguimiento de qué páginas del sitio web son más populares y qué método de enlace entre páginas es más efectivo. Esto nos ayuda a identificar si usted fue referido por otro sitio web y también ayuda a mejorar nuestras campañas publicitarias futuras. Las cookies no transmiten virus ni malware a su equipo. Puesto que los datos que hay en una cookie no cambian, no hay forma de que afecte al funcionamiento de su equipo, más bien actúan como registros (es decir, registran la actividad del usuario y recuerdan información útil) y se actualizan cada vez que usted visita un sitio web.
Acceso usuarios
Use el número y contraseña de su cuenta real MT4/MT5 para acceder al área de usuarios.
¿nuevo en XM?
Legal: este sitio web está operado por XM global limited, con dirección registrada en no. 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd es la compañía tenedora de trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd y trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited está autorizada y regulada por la comisión del mercado de valores de chipre (cysec) (número de licencia 120/10).
XM global limited está autorizada y regulada por la comisión internacional de servicios financieros (IFSC) (número de licencia 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd está autorizada y regulada por la comisión australiana de valores e inversiones (número de licencia 443670).
Trading point MENA limited está autorizada y regulada por la autoridad de servicios financieros de dubái (DFSA) (nº de referencia F003484).
Advertencia de riesgo: los cfds son un producto difícil de comprender y la CNMV cree que no es adecuado para inversores minoristas dada su complejidad y riesgo. Por favor, lea y asegúrese de que comprende totalmente nuestra declaración de riesgos.
Regiones restringidas: XM global limited no proporciona servicios a los residentes de ciertos países, como por ejemplo estados unidos de américa, canadá, israel y república islámica de irán.
Utilizamos cookies para ofrecerle una mejor experiencia en nuestra web. Conozca más o cambie sus ajustes de cookies.
Advertencia de riesgo: su capital está en riesgo. Los productos apalancados pueden no ser aptos para todos. Por favor, tenga en cuenta nuestra declaración de riesgos.
Este sitio web utiliza cookies.
Haciendo clic en “continuar”, acepta los ajustes predeterminados de cookies en nuestro sitio web.
XM utiliza cookies para asegurarse de que le ofrecemos la mejor experiencia mientras visita nuestro sitio web. Algunas cookies son necesarias para proporcionar características esenciales, tales como sesiones de acceso, y no se pueden deshabilitar. Otras cookies nos ayudan a mejorar el rendimiento de nuestro sitio web y su experiencia personalizando el contenido, ofreciendo funcionalidades de redes sociales y analizando nuestro tráfico. Estas cookies también pueden incluir cookies de terceros, que podrían rastrear su uso de nuestro sitio web. Puede cambiar sus ajustes de cookies en cualquier momento.
Sus ajustes de cookies
¿qué son las cookies?
Las cookies son pequeños archivos de datos. Cuando visita un sitio web, el sitio web envía la cookie a su equipo. Su equipo guarda la cookie en un archivo dentro de su navegador web.
Las cookies no transmiten virus ni malware a su equipo. Puesto que los datos que hay en una cookie no cambian, no hay forma de que afecte al funcionamiento de su equipo; más bien actúan como registros (es decir, registran la actividad del usuario y recuerdan información útil) y se actualizan cada vez que usted visita un sitio web.
Podemos obtener información suya accediendo a las cookies enviadas por nuestro sitio web. Los diferentes tipos de cookies hacen seguimiento de las diferentes actividades. Por ejemplo, las cookies de sesión se usan solo cuando una persona está navegando activamente por un sitio web. Una vez que abandona el sitio web, la cookie de sesión desaparece.
¿por qué son útiles las cookies?
Usamos cookies funcionales para analizar cómo usan nuestro sitio web los visitantes, así como para observar y mejorar el rendimiento y funcionamiento de dicho sitio web. Esto nos permite proporcionarle una experiencia de cliente de alta calidad, identificando y solucionando rápidamente cualquier problema que pueda surgir. Por ejemplo, podemos usar cookies para hacer un seguimiento de qué páginas del sitio web son más populares y qué método de enlace entre páginas es más efectivo. Esto nos ayuda a identificar si usted fue referido por otro sitio web y también ayuda a mejorar nuestras campañas publicitarias futuras.
Otro uso de las cookies es guardar sus sesiones de acceso, es decir, cuando accede al área de usuarios para depositar fondos, se establece una “cookie de sesión” para que el sitio web recuerde que usted ya ha iniciado sesión. Si el sitio web no estableciera esta cookie, se le pediría su usuario y contraseña en cada página nueva del proceso de ingreso de fondos.
Además, las cookies operativas se usan para permitirnos recordar sus preferencias e identificarle como usuario, asegurando que su información esté segura y que funciona de forma más fiable y eficiente. Por ejemplo, las cookies le ahorran la molestia de tener que escribir su nombre de usuario cada vez que accede a nuestra plataforma de trading, y recuerdan sus preferencias, como por ejemplo, qué idioma desea ver cuando accede.
A continuación puede ver algunas de las funciones que nos proporcionan nuestras cookies:
- Verificar su identidad y detectar el país desde el que nos visita actualmente
- Revisar el tipo de navegador y dispositivo
- Rastrear el sitio desde el que fue referido el usuario
- Permitir que terceros personalicen contenido relevante
Este sitio web utiliza google analytics, un servicio de análisis web proporcionado por google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics utiliza cookies analíticas situadas en su ordenador para ayudar al sitio web para analizar el uso del mismo por parte de un usuario. La información generada por la cookie sobre el uso del sitio web (incluyendo la dirección IP) puede transmitirse a google y guardarse en sus servidores. Google puede utilizar esta información para evaluar su uso del sitio web, para generar informes sobre la actividad del sitio web y para proporcionar otros servicios relacionados con la actividad del sitio web y con el uso de internet. Google también puede transferir esta información a terceros, cuando la ley le obligue a ello, o cuando terceros procesen la información en nombre de google. Google no asociará su dirección IP con ningún otro dato guardado. Utilizando este sitio web, usted da su consentimiento para que google procese los datos sobre usted de la forma y para los fines establecidos aquí.
Cambiar ajustes
Por favor, seleccione qué tipos de cookies desea que se guarden en su dispositivo.
Accesso all'area membri
Usa il tuo numero di conto reale MT4/MT5 e password per accedere all'area membri.
Nuovo cliente XM?
Nota legale: questo sito web è operato da XM global limited, sede legale in 5 cork street, belize city, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd è la holding che raggruppa trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd e trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited è autorizzata e regolamentata dalla cysec (cyprus securities and exchange commission) (licenza numero 120/10).
XM global limited è autorizzata e regolamentata dalla IFSC (international financial services commission) (licenza n. 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd è autorizzata e regolamentata dalla australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited è autorizzata e regolamentata dalla dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (n. Rif. F003484).
Informativa sul rischio: il trading su forex e CFD comporta un rischio elevato per il tuo capitale investito. Ti preghiamo di leggere e comprendere chiaramente la nostra informativa sui rischi.
Restrizioni regionali: XM global limited non offre servizi ai residenti di alcuni paesi, come stati uniti d'america, canada, israele e repubblica islamica dell’iran.
Facciamo ricorso ai cookies per offrirti la migliore esperienza possibile sul nostro sito. Leggi maggiori informazioni o modifica le tue impostazioni dei cookie.
Informativa sul rischio: il tuo capitale è a rischio. I prodotti con leva finanziaria possono non essere idonei per tutti. Ti preghiamo di consultare la nostra informativa sul rischio.
Questo sito utilizza cookies
Cliccando su "continua", accetti le impostazioni di default dei cookies sul nostro sito.
XM utilizza i cookies per poterti garantire la migliore esperienza possibile quando visiti il nostro sito. Alcuni dei cookies sono necessari per fornirti funzioni essenziali, come le sessioni di accesso, e non possono essere disabilitati. Altri cookies ci aiutano a migliorare le prestazioni del sito e la tua esperienza attraverso la personalizzazione dei contenuti, fornendo funzioni per i social media e analizzando il traffico generato. Alcuni cookies possono anche appartenere a terze parti che potrebbero tracciare il tuo utilizzo del nostro sito. Puoi cambiare le impostazioni dei cookies in qualsiasi momento.
Leggi maggiori informazioni o modifica le tue impostazioni dei cookies.
Le tue impostazioni dei cookies
Che cosa sono i cookies?
I cookies sono piccoli file di dati. Quando visiti un sito, esso invia il cookie sul tuo computer, che lo conserva in un file situato all'interno del tuo browser web.
I cookies non trasmettono virus o malware nel tuo computer. Poiché i dati di un cookie non variano quando viaggiano in entrata e in uscita, essi non influenzano minimamente il funzionamento del tuo computer: agiscono come dei registri (cioè registrano l'attività dell'utente e ricordano le informazioni stateful) e sono aggiornati ogni volta in cui visiti un sito.
Accedendo ai cookies inviati dal nostro sito potremmo ottenere informazioni utili su di te. Diversi tipi di cookies tengono traccia di attività diverse. Ad esempio, i cookies di sessione sono utilizzati solo quando una persona sta navigando attivamente sul sito. Una volta lasciato il sito, il cookie di sessione sparisce.
Perché i cookies sono utili?
Utilizziamo cookies funzionali per analizzare come i visitatori utilizzano il nostro sito, oltre che per tracciare e migliorare il sito stesso e il suo funzionamento. Ciò ci permette di offrire ai clienti un'esperienza di alta qualità, identificando rapidamente e risolvendo qualsiasi problema si possa verificare. Ad esempio, potremmo utilizzare i cookies per tenere traccia di quali siano le pagine più popolari del sito e quale metodo di link delle pagine sia il più efficace. Quest'ultimo utilizzo ci aiuta inoltre a tracciare se sei stato reindirizzato da un altro sito, per migliorare le nostre future campagne pubblicitarie.
Un altro utilizzo dei cookies è di ricordare le tue sessioni di accesso, in modo che quando accedi all'area membri per depositare fondi, un "cookie di sessione" si attiva per ricordare al sito che hai già effettuato l'accesso. Se il sito non impostasse questo cookie, ti sarebbe richiesto di inserire i tuoi dati di accesso in ogni nuova pagina aperta durante la procedura di deposito.
Inoltre, i cookies funzionali, ad esempio, sono utilizzati per permetterci di ricordare le tue preferenze e identificarti come utente, per garantire che le tue informazioni rimangano al sicuro e per operare in modo più affidabile ed efficiente. Ad esempio, i cookies ti risparmiano il fastidio di dover inserire il tuo nome utente ogni volta in cui accedi alla nostra piattaforma di trading e si ricordano le tue preferenze, come la lingua che vuoi utilizzare quando accedi al sito.
Ecco una panoramica di alcune delle funzioni che ci forniscono i cookies:
- Verificare la tua identità e identificare da quale paese ti sei connesso
- Controllano il tipo di browser e dispositivo
- Individuano il sito web dal quale l'utente è stato invitato
- Permettendo a terze parti di personalizzare il contenuto di conseguenza
Questo sito utilizza google analytics, un servizio di statistica del web fornito da google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics utilizza i cookies statistici installati sul tuo computer per aiutare il sito ad analizzarne l'utilizzo da parte dell'utente. Le informazioni generate dai cookies sul tuo utilizzo del sito (incluso il tuo indirizzo IP) possono essere trasmesse a e conservate da google sui suoi server. Google può utilizzare queste informazioni per valutare il tuo utilizzo del sito, per compilare relazioni sull'attività del sito e per fornire altri servizi legati all'attività del sito e all'utilizzo di internet. Google può anche trasferire queste informazioni a terze parti, se richiesto per legge oppure se tali terze parti elaborano le informazioni per conto di google. Google non assocerà il tuo indirizzo IP con gli altri dati in suo possesso. Utilizzando questo sito, dai il tuo consenso a google di elaborare i dati che ti riguardano nel modo e per i motivi indicati qui sopra.
Modifica le impostazioni
Per favore, seleziona la tipologia di cookie che vuoi conservare su tuo dispositivo.
Acesso à área de membros
Use o número e password da sua conta real MT4/MT5 para entrar na área de membros.
Novo(a) na XM?
Aviso legal: este website é administrado pela XM global, com endereço registado em 5 cork street, cidade de belize, belize, américa central.
Trading point holdings ltd é a empresa detentora da trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd e trading point MENA limited.
A trading point of financial instruments limited é autorizada e regulada pela comissão de valores mobiliários do chipre (cysec) (número de licença 120/10).
A XM global limited é autorizada e regulada pela comissão de serviços financeiros internacionais (IFSC) (número de licença 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
A trading point of financial instruments pty ltd é autorizada e regulada pela comissão australiana de valores mobiliários e investimentos (AFSL: 443670).
Trading point MENA limited é autorizada e regulada pela autoridade de serviços do dubai (DFSA) (nº de referência: F003484).
Aviso de risco: as negociações com cfds e forex envolvem riscos significativos para o seu capital investido. Consulte a nossa divulgação de riscos.
Regiões restritas: XM global limited não presta serviços a residentes de certos países, tais como estados unidos da américa, canadá, israel e república islâmica do irão.
Usamos cookies para lhe dar a melhor experiência no nosso website. Ler mais ou alterar as configurações de cookies.
Aviso de risco: O seu capital está em risco. Produtos alavancados podem não ser indicados para todos. Por favor, consulte a secção divulgação de riscos.
Este website usa cookies
Ao clicar em "continuar", concorda com as configurações pré-definidas de cookies do nosso website.
A XM usa cookies para assegurar que proporcionamos a melhor experiência enquanto visita o nosso website. Alguns dos cookies são necessários para fornecer funcionalidades essenciais, como sessões de login e não pode ser desativado. Outros cookies ajudam-nos a melhorar a performance do nosso website e a sua experiência através de conteúdo personalizado, funcionalidades nas redes sociais e análise de tráfego. Estes cookies podem também incluir cookies de terceiras partes, os quais podem rastrear o uso do nosso website. Pode mudar as configurações de cookies a qualquer altura.
Ler mais ou alterar as suas configurações de cookies.
As suas configurações de cookies
O que são cookies?
Os cookies são pequenos ficheiros de dados. Quando visita um website, este envia o cookie para o seu computador. O seu computador armazena-o num ficheiro localizado dentro do seu browser.
Os cookies não transferem vírus ou malware para o seu computador. Porque a informação de um cookie não se altera quando anda de trás para a frente, não tem forma de alterar o funcionamento do seu computador, em vez disso atuam como registos (ex: registam a atividade do utilizador e recordam informação dinâmica) e atualizam-se de todas as vezes que visita um website.
Podemos obter informação sobre si ao aceder aos cookies, enviados pelo nosso website. Tipos diferentes de cookies registam diferentes atividades. Por exemplo, cookies de sessão são apenas usados quando alguém está a navegar num website. Quando sair desse website, esse cookie de sessão desaparece.
Qual a utilidade dos cookies?
Usamos cookies funcionais para analisar como os utilizadores usam o nosso website, assim como registar e melhorar o desempenho e funcionamento deste. Isto permite-nos fornecer-lhe uma experiência de alta qualidade ao rapidamente identificar e resolver algum problema que possa ter surgido. Por exemplo, podemos utilizar cookies para registar quais páginas do website são mais populares e qual o método mais eficaz de ligação entre elas. Esta última também nos ajuda a perceber se nos encontrou por outro website e melhorar as nossas futuras campanhas publicitárias.
Outra função dos cookies é armazenar as suas sessões, o que significa que quando entra na área de membros para depositar fundos, um "cookie de sessão" é instalado para assim o website lembrar que já fez o log in. Se o website não tivesse este cookie, seria necessário que fizesse login e introduzisse a password em cada página através do processo do depósito.
Para além disso, os cookies funcionais por exemplo, são usados para permitir lembrar as suas preferências e identificá-lo como utilizador, assegurar que a sua informação está segura e que opera de forma mais confiável e eficiente. Por exemplo, os cookies poupam-lhe o trabalho de introduzir o seu nome de utilizador de todas as vezes que aceda à plataforma de negociação, lembra as suas preferências, tais como o idioma que prefere ver quando entra no website.
Aqui está um resumo de algumas das funções dos nossos cookies:
- Verificar a sua identidade e detetar o país de onde está a aceder
- Verificação do seu tipo de navegador e dispositivo
- Identificação do website a partir do qual o utilizador foi encaminhado
- Concessão a terceiros da permissão para personalizar o conteúdo em conformidade
Este website usa google analytics, um serviço de análise web fornecido pela google,inc. ("google"). Google analytics usa cookies analíticos colocados no seu computador, para ajudar o website a analisar o uso deste. A informação gerada pelo cookie sobre o uso do website (incluindo o seu endereço IP) pode ser transmitido e armazenado pela google nos seus servidores. A google pode usar esta informação para avaliar o uso do website, compilar relatórios sobre a atividade do website e fornecer outros serviços relacionados com a atividade deste e uso da internet. A google pode, também, transferir esta informação para uma terceira parte, quando solicitada pela lei ou quando esta terceira parte processa a informação em nome da google. A google não associará o seu endereço de IP com outra informação retida. Ao usar este website, consente que a google processe a informação sobre si da forma e para o fim descrito acima.
Alterar configurações
Por favor, selecione os tipos de cookies que quer armazenados no seu dispositivo.
Members area access
Use your MT4/MT5 real account number and password to log in to the members area.
New to xmtrading?
Tradexfin limited is regulated by the seychelles financial services authority under securities dealer’s license number SD010. | privacy policy | cookie policy | terms and conditions
TPS management limited with offices at steliou mavrommati 80B, agios pavlos, 2364, nicosia, cyprus.TPS management limited is wholly owned by tradexfin limited.
Risk warning: forex and CFD trading involves significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our risk disclosure.
Restrictions to accessing our services may apply to individuals being a national of, or a resident of, the following — but not limited to — countries:
Albania, the bahamas, barbados, botswana, cambodia, ghana, jamaica, mauritius, myanmar, nicaragua, pakistan, panama, syria, uganda, yemen, zimbabwe.
We do not provide our service to citizens of the united states of america, canada, EU countries, iran, north korea, and belize.
You must be 18 years old, or of legal age as determined in your country. Upon registering an account, you acknowledge that you are registering at your own free will, without solicitation on behalf of xmtrading.
We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Read more or change your cookie settings.
Risk warning: your capital is at risk. Leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider our risk disclosure.
This website uses cookies
By clicking “continue”, you agree to the default cookie settings on our website.
Xmtrading uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
Read more, or change your cookie settings.
Your cookie settings
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.
Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.E. They record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.
We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.
Why are cookies useful?
We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.
Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the members area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.
In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:
- Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
- Checking browser type and device
- Tracking which site the user was referred from
- Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Change settings
Please select which types of cookies you want to be stored on your device.
Xm global members area
Feel free to contact us by live chat, call back, email or freephone 24 hours a day, 5 days a week (monday to friday).
© 2021 XM is a trading name of trading point holdings ltd. All rights reserved. | privacy policy | cookie policy | terms and conditions
Legal: this website is operated by trading point of financial instruments limited with registered address at 12 richard & verengaria street, araouzos castle court, 3rd floor, 3042 limassol, cyprus.
Trading point holdings ltd is the holding company of trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd, trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (licence number: 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).
Risk warning: cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 78.04% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Please consider our risk disclosure.
Trading point of financial instruments limited provides investment and ancillary services to residents of the european economic area (EEA) and the united kingdom.
This website uses cookies
By clicking “continue”, you agree to the default cookie settings on our website.
XM uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
For more information please read our cookie policy.
This website uses cookies
By clicking “continue”, you agree to the default cookie settings on our website.
XM uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
Read more, or change your cookie settings.
Your cookie settings
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.
Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.E. They record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.
We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.
Why are cookies useful?
We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.
Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the members area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.
In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:
- Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
- Checking browser type and device
- Tracking which site the user was referred from
- Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Akses ke member area
Gunakan akun riil MT4/MT5 dan kata sandi untuk masuk pada login anggota.
Baru di XM?
Legal: situs ini dioperasikan oleh XM global limited dengan alamat terdaftar no. 5 cork street, kota belize, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd adalah perusahaan induk dari trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd dan trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi sekuritas dan bursa siprus (cysec) (nomor lisensi 120/10).
XM global limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi jasa keuangan internasional (IFSC) (nomor lisensi 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi investasi dan sekuritas australia (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh otoritas jasa keuangan dubai (DFSA) (dibawah nomor F003484).
Peringatan resiko: trading forex dan CFD melibatkan risiko yang signifikan terhadap dana investasi anda. Mohon untuk membaca dan memastikan bahwa anda telah paham dengan pengungkapan risiko kami.
Wilayah terbatas: XM global limited tidak menyediakan layanan untuk warga negara di beberapa negara tertentu, seperti amerika serikat, kanada, israel dan iran.
Kami menggunakan cookies untuk memberikan anda pengalaman terbaik di website kami. Baca lebih lanjut atau ubah pengaturan cookie anda.
Peringatan resiko: modal anda berisiko. Produk dengan leverage mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua orang. Mohon pertimbangkan pengungkapan risiko kami.
Website ini menggunakan cookies
Dengan mengeklik “lanjutkan”, anda setuju dengan pengaturan awal cookie di website kami.
XM menggunakan cookies untuk memastikan bahwa kami memberikan anda pengalaman terbaik saat mengunjungi website kami. Beberapa cookies dibutuhkan untuk memberikan fitur-fitur esensial seperti sesi login, dan tidak bisa dinon-aktifkan. Cookies lainnya membantu kami meningkatkan performa website dan pengalaman anda melalui konten yang dipersonalisasi, memberikan fitur media sosial dan menganalisa traffic anda. Cookies seperti ini juga termasuk cookies pihak ketiga, yang mungkin merekam penggunaan website anda. Anda bisa mengubah pengaturan cookies kapanpun.
Pelajari lebih lanjut atau ubah pengaturan cookies. Anda
Pengaturan cookies anda
Apakah itu cookie ?
Cookie adalah berkas data kecil. Ketika anda mengunjungi situs web, situs web ini mengirimkan cookie ke komputer anda. Komputer anda menyimpannya dalam berkas yang terletak di dalam browser web anda.
Cookie tidak mentransfer virus atau malware ke komputer anda. Karena data dalam cookie tidak berubah ketika ia bolak-balik, juga tidak memiliki cara untuk memengaruhi cara komputer anda berjalan, namun, mereka bertindak seperti log (yaitu merekam aktivitas pengguna dan mengingat informasi lengkap) dan mereka diperbarui setiap kali anda mengunjungi situs web.
Kami akan mendapat informasi tentang anda dengan mengakses cookies yang dikirimkan oleh situs kami. Beberap tipe cookies menulusuri beragam aktifitas. Sebagai contoh, session cookies digunakan ketika seseorang secara aktif menjelajah suatu situs. Seketika anda meninggalkan situs, session cookie akan hilang.
Apa gunanya cookies ?
Kami menggunakan cookie fungsional untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengunjung menggunakan situs web kami, serta melacak dan meningkatkan kinerja dan fungsi situs web kami. Ini memungkinkan kami untuk memberikan pengalaman pelanggan berkualitas tinggi yang dengan cepat mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki masalah apa pun yang mungkin timbul. Misalnya, kami mungkin menggunakan cookie untuk melacak halaman situs web mana yang paling populer dan metode penautan mana di antara halaman situs web yang paling efektif. Ini juga membantu kami melacak, apakah anda dirujuk ke kami oleh situs web lain dan meningkatkan kampanye iklan kami di masa mendatang.
Penggunaan lain dari cookie adalah untuk menyimpan sesi login anda, yang berarti bahwa ketika anda masuk ke login anggota untuk menyetor dana, "cookie sesi" diatur sedemikian, sehingga situs web dapat mengingat bahwa anda sudah masuk. Jika situs web tidak mengatur cookie ini, anda akan diminta untuk login dengan kata sandi di setiap halaman baru, saat anda melakukan proses pendanaan.
Selain itu, cookie fungsional, misalnya, digunakan untuk memungkinkan kami mengingat preferensi anda dan mengidentifikasi anda sebagai pengguna, memastikan informasi anda aman untuk beroperasi lebih andal dan efisien. Misalnya, cookie menghemat pengetikan nama pengguna anda setiap kali anda mengakses platform trading kami, juga mengingat preferensi anda, seperti bahasa apa yang ingin anda lihat ketika anda masuk.
Berikut adalah ikhtisar dari beberapa fungsi yang diberikan cookie kami:
- Memverifikasi identitas anda dan mendeteksi negara anda saat ini
- Memeriksa tipe browser dan piranti anda
- Menelusuri dari situs mana pengguna berasal
- Memungkinkan pihak ketiga untuk merubah konten
Situs web ini menggunakan google analytics, layanan analitik web yang disediakan oleh google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics menggunakan cookie analitis yang ditempatkan di komputer anda, untuk membantu situs web menganalisis penggunaan situs web oleh pengguna. Informasi yang dihasilkan oleh cookie tentang penggunaan situs web anda (termasuk alamat IP anda) dapat dikirimkan dan disimpan oleh google di server mereka. Google dapat menggunakan informasi ini untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan situs web anda, untuk menyusun laporan tentang aktivitas situs web dan untuk menyediakan layanan lain yang terkait dengan aktivitas situs web dan penggunaan internet. Google juga dapat mentransfer informasi ini kepada pihak ketiga, jika diharuskan untuk melakukannya oleh hukum, atau di mana pihak ketiga tersebut memproses informasi atas nama google. Google tidak akan mengaitkan alamat IP anda dengan data lain yang dimiliki. Dengan menggunakan situs web ini, anda memberikan persetujuan anda kepada google untuk memproses data tentang anda dengan cara dan untuk tujuan yang ditetapkan di atas.
Atur perubahan
Silahkan pilih tipe cookies yang anda ingin simpan dalam perangkat anda.
Members area access
Use your MT4/MT5 real account number and password to log in to the members area.
New to xmtrading?
Tradexfin limited is regulated by the seychelles financial services authority under securities dealer’s license number SD010. | privacy policy | cookie policy | terms and conditions
TPS management limited with offices at steliou mavrommati 80B, agios pavlos, 2364, nicosia, cyprus.TPS management limited is wholly owned by tradexfin limited.
Risk warning: forex and CFD trading involves significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and ensure you fully understand our risk disclosure.
Restrictions to accessing our services may apply to individuals being a national of, or a resident of, the following — but not limited to — countries:
Albania, the bahamas, barbados, botswana, cambodia, ghana, jamaica, mauritius, myanmar, nicaragua, pakistan, panama, syria, uganda, yemen, zimbabwe.
We do not provide our service to citizens of the united states of america, canada, EU countries, iran, north korea, and belize.
You must be 18 years old, or of legal age as determined in your country. Upon registering an account, you acknowledge that you are registering at your own free will, without solicitation on behalf of xmtrading.
We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Read more or change your cookie settings.
Risk warning: your capital is at risk. Leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider our risk disclosure.
This website uses cookies
By clicking “continue”, you agree to the default cookie settings on our website.
Xmtrading uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
Read more, or change your cookie settings.
Your cookie settings
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.
Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.E. They record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.
We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.
Why are cookies useful?
We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.
Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the members area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.
In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:
- Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
- Checking browser type and device
- Tracking which site the user was referred from
- Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Change settings
Please select which types of cookies you want to be stored on your device.
Akses ke member area
Gunakan akun riil MT4/MT5 dan kata sandi untuk masuk pada login anggota.
Baru di XM?
Legal: situs ini dioperasikan oleh XM global limited dengan alamat terdaftar no. 5 cork street, kota belize, belize, CA.
Trading point holdings ltd adalah perusahaan induk dari trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd dan trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi sekuritas dan bursa siprus (cysec) (nomor lisensi 120/10).
XM global limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi jasa keuangan internasional (IFSC) (nomor lisensi 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh komisi investasi dan sekuritas australia (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited diotorisasi dan diregulasi oleh otoritas jasa keuangan dubai (DFSA) (dibawah nomor F003484).
Peringatan resiko: trading forex dan CFD melibatkan risiko yang signifikan terhadap dana investasi anda. Mohon untuk membaca dan memastikan bahwa anda telah paham dengan pengungkapan risiko kami.
Wilayah terbatas: XM global limited tidak menyediakan layanan untuk warga negara di beberapa negara tertentu, seperti amerika serikat, kanada, israel dan iran.
Kami menggunakan cookies untuk memberikan anda pengalaman terbaik di website kami. Baca lebih lanjut atau ubah pengaturan cookie anda.
Peringatan resiko: modal anda berisiko. Produk dengan leverage mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua orang. Mohon pertimbangkan pengungkapan risiko kami.
Website ini menggunakan cookies
Dengan mengeklik “lanjutkan”, anda setuju dengan pengaturan awal cookie di website kami.
XM menggunakan cookies untuk memastikan bahwa kami memberikan anda pengalaman terbaik saat mengunjungi website kami. Beberapa cookies dibutuhkan untuk memberikan fitur-fitur esensial seperti sesi login, dan tidak bisa dinon-aktifkan. Cookies lainnya membantu kami meningkatkan performa website dan pengalaman anda melalui konten yang dipersonalisasi, memberikan fitur media sosial dan menganalisa traffic anda. Cookies seperti ini juga termasuk cookies pihak ketiga, yang mungkin merekam penggunaan website anda. Anda bisa mengubah pengaturan cookies kapanpun.
Pelajari lebih lanjut atau ubah pengaturan cookies. Anda
Pengaturan cookies anda
Apakah itu cookie ?
Cookie adalah berkas data kecil. Ketika anda mengunjungi situs web, situs web ini mengirimkan cookie ke komputer anda. Komputer anda menyimpannya dalam berkas yang terletak di dalam browser web anda.
Cookie tidak mentransfer virus atau malware ke komputer anda. Karena data dalam cookie tidak berubah ketika ia bolak-balik, juga tidak memiliki cara untuk memengaruhi cara komputer anda berjalan, namun, mereka bertindak seperti log (yaitu merekam aktivitas pengguna dan mengingat informasi lengkap) dan mereka diperbarui setiap kali anda mengunjungi situs web.
Kami akan mendapat informasi tentang anda dengan mengakses cookies yang dikirimkan oleh situs kami. Beberap tipe cookies menulusuri beragam aktifitas. Sebagai contoh, session cookies digunakan ketika seseorang secara aktif menjelajah suatu situs. Seketika anda meninggalkan situs, session cookie akan hilang.
Apa gunanya cookies ?
Kami menggunakan cookie fungsional untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengunjung menggunakan situs web kami, serta melacak dan meningkatkan kinerja dan fungsi situs web kami. Ini memungkinkan kami untuk memberikan pengalaman pelanggan berkualitas tinggi yang dengan cepat mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki masalah apa pun yang mungkin timbul. Misalnya, kami mungkin menggunakan cookie untuk melacak halaman situs web mana yang paling populer dan metode penautan mana di antara halaman situs web yang paling efektif. Ini juga membantu kami melacak, apakah anda dirujuk ke kami oleh situs web lain dan meningkatkan kampanye iklan kami di masa mendatang.
Penggunaan lain dari cookie adalah untuk menyimpan sesi login anda, yang berarti bahwa ketika anda masuk ke login anggota untuk menyetor dana, "cookie sesi" diatur sedemikian, sehingga situs web dapat mengingat bahwa anda sudah masuk. Jika situs web tidak mengatur cookie ini, anda akan diminta untuk login dengan kata sandi di setiap halaman baru, saat anda melakukan proses pendanaan.
Selain itu, cookie fungsional, misalnya, digunakan untuk memungkinkan kami mengingat preferensi anda dan mengidentifikasi anda sebagai pengguna, memastikan informasi anda aman untuk beroperasi lebih andal dan efisien. Misalnya, cookie menghemat pengetikan nama pengguna anda setiap kali anda mengakses platform trading kami, juga mengingat preferensi anda, seperti bahasa apa yang ingin anda lihat ketika anda masuk.
Berikut adalah ikhtisar dari beberapa fungsi yang diberikan cookie kami:
- Memverifikasi identitas anda dan mendeteksi negara anda saat ini
- Memeriksa tipe browser dan piranti anda
- Menelusuri dari situs mana pengguna berasal
- Memungkinkan pihak ketiga untuk merubah konten
Situs web ini menggunakan google analytics, layanan analitik web yang disediakan oleh google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics menggunakan cookie analitis yang ditempatkan di komputer anda, untuk membantu situs web menganalisis penggunaan situs web oleh pengguna. Informasi yang dihasilkan oleh cookie tentang penggunaan situs web anda (termasuk alamat IP anda) dapat dikirimkan dan disimpan oleh google di server mereka. Google dapat menggunakan informasi ini untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan situs web anda, untuk menyusun laporan tentang aktivitas situs web dan untuk menyediakan layanan lain yang terkait dengan aktivitas situs web dan penggunaan internet. Google juga dapat mentransfer informasi ini kepada pihak ketiga, jika diharuskan untuk melakukannya oleh hukum, atau di mana pihak ketiga tersebut memproses informasi atas nama google. Google tidak akan mengaitkan alamat IP anda dengan data lain yang dimiliki. Dengan menggunakan situs web ini, anda memberikan persetujuan anda kepada google untuk memproses data tentang anda dengan cara dan untuk tujuan yang ditetapkan di atas.
Atur perubahan
Silahkan pilih tipe cookies yang anda ingin simpan dalam perangkat anda.
Members area access
Use your MT4/MT5 real account number and password to log in to the members area.
New to XM?
© 2021 XM is a trading name of trading point holdings ltd. All rights reserved. | privacy policy | cookie policy | terms and conditions
Legal: this website is operated by trading point of financial instruments pty limited, ACN 164 367 113, AFSL 443670.
Trading point holdings ltd is the holding company of trading point of financial instruments limited, XM global limited, trading point of financial instruments UK limited, trading point of financial instruments pty ltd, and trading point MENA limited.
Trading point of financial instruments limited is authorised and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) (licence number 120/10).
XM global limited is authorised and regulated by the international financial services commission (IFSC) (license number 000261/106).
Trading point of financial instruments UK limited is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FRN: 705428).
Trading point of financial instruments pty ltd is authorised and regulated by the australian securities and investment commission (AFSL 443670).
Trading point MENA limited is authorised and regulated by the dubai financial services authority (DFSA) (reference no. F003484).
Risk warning: margin forex and CFD trading involves significant risk to your invested capital. Our FSG and PDS should be considered before deciding to enter into any derivative transactions with trading point of financial instruments pty limited.
The information on this site is not directed at residents of the united states or any particular country outside australia and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.
We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Read more or change your cookie settings.
Risk warning: your capital is at risk. Leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider our risk disclosure.
This website uses cookies
By clicking “continue”, you agree to the default cookie settings on our website.
XM uses cookies to ensure that we provide you with the best experience while visiting our website. Some of the cookies are needed to provide essential features, such as login sessions, and cannot be disabled. Other cookies help us improve our website’s performance and your experience through personalising content, providing social media features and analysing our traffic. Such cookies may also include third-party cookies, which might track your use of our website. You may change your cookie settings at any time.
Read more, or change your cookie settings.
Your cookie settings
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files. When you visit a website, the website sends the cookie to your computer. Your computer stores it in a file located inside your web browser.
Cookies do not transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie does not change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs, but they act more like logs (i.E. They record user activity and remember stateful information) and they get updated every time you visit a website.
We may obtain information about you by accessing cookies, sent by our website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. For example, session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website. Once you leave the website, the session cookie disappears.
Why are cookies useful?
We use functional cookies to analyse how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.
Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the members area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.
In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.
Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:
- Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
- Checking browser type and device
- Tracking which site the user was referred from
- Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly
This website uses google analytics, a web analytics service provided by google, inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user's use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Change settings
Please select which types of cookies you want to be stored on your device.
So, let's see, what we have: acceso usuarios use el número y contraseña de su cuenta real MT4/MT5 para acceder al área de usuarios. ¿nuevo en XM? Legal: este sitio web está operado por XM global limited, con at xm global members area
Contents of the article
- Actual forex bonuses
- Acceso usuarios
- ¿nuevo en XM?
- Accesso all'area membri
- Nuovo cliente XM?
- Acesso à área de membros
- Novo(a) na XM?
- Members area access
- New to xmtrading?
- Xm global members area
- Akses ke member area
- Baru di XM?
- Members area access
- New to xmtrading?
- Akses ke member area
- Baru di XM?
- Members area access
- New to XM?
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