Vérification du compte, iq option verification.

Iq option verification

  • Ils doivent inclure votre nom et adresse,
  • Ils ne doivent pas dater de plus de 6 mois,
  • Ils doivent porter le logo de la banque ou de l'entreprise ou le sceau du gouvernement,
  • L'image doit montrer tout le papier ou la moitié du papier,
pour vérifier complètement ses données d'entrée dans le registre, il faut suivre les étapes ci-dessous.

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Vérification du compte, iq option verification.

Vérification du compte, iq option verification.

Vérification du compte, iq option verification.

Vérification du compte

Pour vérifier complètement ses données d'entrée dans le registre, il faut suivre les étapes ci-dessous.

Pour vérifier complètement ses données d'entrée dans le registre, il faut suivre les étapes ci-dessous.

  • Vérifier votre identité.

  • Vérifier votre adresse résidentielle.

  • Vérifier que vous êtes le propriétaire de la carte de crédit utilisée pour les transactions sur IQ.

Vérification de votre identité

Pour vérifier votre identité, il faut fournir un scan ou une photo d'un des documents standard: passeport (seulement la page avec photo), carte d'identité (2 côtés), permis de conduire (2 côtés).
Les conditions suivantes pour vérifier l'identité d'une personne s’appliquent:

  • Le document doit comporter une photo ainsi que le prénom et le nom de famille;

  • Le document doit être réel et non expiré.

Vérification de l'adresse résidentielle

L'image d'un des documents ci-dessous émis au nom d'une personne est nécessaire pour la vérification de l'adresse:

  • Relevé de compte bancaire ou de carte de crédit;

  • Facture des services publics (électricité, eau et autres);

  • Document de la municipalité confirmant l'adresse (avec un cachet officiel);

  • Formulaire d'impôt rempli.

Les exigences suivantes pour les documents ci-dessus s’appliquent:

  • Ils doivent inclure votre nom et adresse;

  • Ils ne doivent pas dater de plus de 6 mois;

  • Ils doivent porter le logo de la banque ou de l'entreprise ou le sceau du gouvernement;

  • L'image doit montrer tout le papier ou la moitié du papier;

Vérification des cartes bancaires

Pour prouver la propriété de la carte de crédit, vous devez fournir l'image de votre carte bancaire des deux côtés.
Les exigences suivantes pour cette image s’appliquent:

  • La carte doit contenir le nom de l'utilisateur;

  • Sur le recto et le verso de la carte, une partie du numéro doit être masquée (exactement 6 chiffres);

  • Au verso, le code CVV doit être masqué.

Nota bene! Pour masquer le chiffre, vous pouvez utiliser la méthode physique (masquer les chiffres avec une feuille de papier) ou numérique (masquer les chiffres avec une bande noire).
Exigences générales pour tous les fichiers téléchargés:

  • Le papier sur la photo doit être placé de face;

  • Elle ne doit pas être rognée;

  • Tous les angles du document doivent être visibles à l'écran;

  • L'image ne doit pas être floue;

  • L'information doit être claire et lisible;

  • Le papier ne doit pas être obscurci par des objets ou des projecteurs, des reflets;

  • La taille du document téléchargé ne doit pas dépasser 8 mo;

  • Seuls 2 formats sont autorisés: JPG et PNG.

Il est possible de consulter l'état de la vérification dans le compte à tout moment!

IQ option account verification

To fully verify your account, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Verify your identity

  2. Verify your address of residence (only for traders from EU)

  3. Verify that you are the owner of the bank card that you are using with IQ option (only if you made a deposit with a bank card)

Identity verification

To verify your identity, you must provide a scan or a photo of one of the following documents:

  • Passport - only the page with your photo

  • ID card - both sides

  • Driver's license - both sides

Document requirements for verifying your identity:

  • The document must show your name and photo

  • The document must be current (not expired)

Address verification

To verify your address of residence, you must provide a scan or a photo of one of the following documents issued in your name:

  • Statement for a bank account or credit card account (bank statement)

  • Bill for utility services - electricity, telephone, water, etc. (utility bill)

  • Document from the municipality confirming your address with an official stamp

  • Tax statement

Document requirements for verifying your residence address:

  • The document must contain your name and address

  • The document must not be older than 6 months

  • The document must show the logo of the bank or the company or government seal

  • The image must show the entire document or half of the document with personal information

Bank card verification

To prove the ownership of the card you are using for transactions, you must provide a scan or a photograph of both sides of the card.

Requirements for providing a card:

  • The card must contain your name

  • On the front and back sides of the card, part of the number should be obscured (6 digits after the first 6 digits in the number)

  • On the back side, the CVV code should be obscured

  • The card must be signed on the back side

In order to obscure the necessary information on the card, you can use either physical methods (tape a piece of paper over it) or digital methods (black it out with the photo editor).

General requirements for all uploaded files

  • The documents in the photo must be positioned frontally

  • The document must not be cropped and all edges of the document should be visible

  • The image should not be blurry, and the information must be clear and easily discernible

  • The document should not be obscured with objects or glare reflections

  • The size of the uploaded file must not exceed 8 MB

  • Only the following formats are allowed: JPG or PNG

You can always check your verification status in your IQ option account.


  • IQ option review 2020 – for the complete information about the broker;

  • IQ option tournaments: full guide – to understand how to win massive prizes;

  • Demo account vs real account: which one to choose – to find out which account type is right for you.

If you don't have an IQ option account yet, click on one of the buttons below. The registration is completely free and won't take more than a minute.

Risk warning: financial products offered by IQ option include cfds. Cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 74-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

Account verification

Iqoption – verification

IQ option account verification from europe

To begin with, IQ option verification process is identical in all continents except europe. Initially, we are going to see how to verify your trading account from EU for the reason that it is a bit more complicated.

iqoption verification

Iqoption verification

At first, you need to be logged in to your iq option trading account. At the main page of the website you will see “verify email address” alert. Press on this alert or on the “verification” button underneath. After that, you will be redirected to the “account verification” menu where you will need to verify and complete the following: E-mail address, phone number, personal data and trading experience.

IQ option E-mail verification

iqoption email verification

Iqoption email verification

E-mail confirmation is very simple. Just check the inbox of the email address which you have used for the registration on iq option broker. Over there you will see a unique code which you will use to confirm your email. Once you have entered the code – press on the orange “continue” button. Note: you can request the code again or specify another email address. However, you may also skip this step, but we don’t recommend to do so for safety purposes.

IQ option phone verification

IQ Option Phone Verification

IQ option phone verification

The next step of verification is a phone number verify process. Here everything is simple as well. Just enter your mobile phone number and press on the orange “get a code” button. Note: you may skip this step, but we don’t recommend to do so for safety purposes.

iqoption phone sms code verification

Iqoption phone sms code verification

After that, you will receive a code on your mobile device. Enter the code in the empty field and press on the orange “continue” button. Note: you may specify another number if you didn’t receive the code or send the code again in 5 minutes. However, you may also skip this step, but we don’t recommend to do so for safety purposes.

IQ option personal data verification

IQ Option Personal Data Verification

IQ option personal data verification

The personal data verification step is easy but a bit time consuming. Here you will need to fill in the following information:

iqoption personal data save info

  1. Sex – your gender

  2. Date of birth

  3. Name

  4. Last name

  5. Country of residence – the country you live in for more than 4 years

  6. City – the city of the country you live in

  7. Citizenship

  8. Postal code

  9. Address of residence – the address where you are living

  10. Country of tax residence

  11. TIN – tax identification number

  12. Check the box if you are a US reportable person

iqoption personal data save info

After all the information is fulfilled and double checked – press on the “save and continue” button. Note: you may fill in the TIN information after by pressing on the “fill in later” button.

IQ option trading experience

iqoption verification addiitional question

Iqoption verification addiitional question

Finally, the last step of the IQ option verification process. This part will be a sort of questionnaire where broker will ask you about your trading experience. Simply answer the questions and press on the “continue” button after.

IQ option successful verification

IQ Option Successful Verification

IQ option successful verification

And here it is! You have finally completed the verification process! Now you may either make a deposit or start trading on a demo account.

IQ option proof of identity

Once you have decided to make your first deposit on IQ option broker, you will need to complete two more steps of verification: proof of identity and address of residence.

iqoption verification proof of identity

Iqoption verification proof of identity

The proof of identity section will require from you photo or colorful scan of your documents (passport, ID or driving licence). Most importantly, the documents must be clearly visible and include the following information: your full name, photo, date of birth, expiry date, document number and your signature. Nevertheless, the documents must be sent in JPG or PNG format and with weight of 8 MB of max size. IQ option made it easier by attaching the explanatory video which you can watch before the documents will be uploaded. Once you have made the photo/scan of your documents – press on the “upload documents” button. Note: you may attach the documents later. However, this is a necessary step so its would be better to do it now.

IQ option address of residence

IQ Option Address of Residence

IQ option proof address of residence

This section will require from you documents which will prove your address of residence. These documents are: bank statement, utility bill, credit card statement, phone bill and other. The document itself should clearly show the following: your full name, date of issue, your address and all edges of the document. IQ option made it easier by attaching the explanatory video which you can watch before the documents will be uploaded. Once you have made the photo/scan of your documents – select the type of the document which you will upload and press on the “upload documents” button. Note: you may attach the documents later. However, this is a necessary step so its would be better to do it now.

IQ option verification complete

When all 6 steps of IQ option verification process will be done, you can safely start trading.

iqoption verification form for other countries and continents

Iqoption verification form for other countries and continents

As I already mentioned before, if you are living in the EU, verification process will be more complicated. Consequently, IQ option verification from all other continents is faster. There will be only 3 following steps: E-mail confirmation, phone verification and personal data. You may see how to complete these 3 steps in this article above.

IQ option account verification to fully verify your account.

You must complete the following steps to verify your identity. Verify your address of residence. Verify that you are the owner of the bank card that you are using for transactions in IQ option.

1. Identity - 2. Address- 3. Bank card iq option

Identity verification

To verify your identity you must provide a scan or a photo of your passport or identity card.

Passport only the page with your photo I.D. For card scan both sides.

document verificaction iqoption

Address verification

To verify your address of residence you must provide a scan for a photo of one
of the following documents issued in your name.

  • Statement for a bank account or credit card

  • Account bill for utility services electricity telephone water

  • Document from the municipality confirming your address with an official stamp

  • Tax statement.

Document requirements for verifying your residence address. The document must contain your name and address. The document must not be older than six months.

Address verification iq option

The document must show the logo of the bank or the company or government seal. The image must show the entire document or half of the document.

Bank card verification

To prove your ownership of the card you are using for transactions you must provide a scan or a photograph of both sides of the card.

Requirements for providing a card. The card must contain your name. On the front and back sides of the card.

As shown in the example on the backside the CV v code should be obscured. In order to obscure the necessary information on the card you can use either physical methods tape a piece of paper over it or digital methods block it out in a photo editor.

Bank card verification iq option

General requirements for all uploaded files.

The documents in the photo must be position frontally. The document must not be cropped and all edges of the document should be visible.

The image should not be blurry and the information must be clear and easily discernible. Documents should not be obscured with objects or glare reflections.

The size of the uploaded file must not exceed eight megabytes only the following formats are allowed. J peg P N G. You can always check your verification status in your account.

Good luck trading at IQ option!

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Vérification du compte

Pour vérifier complètement ses données d'entrée dans le registre, il faut suivre les étapes ci-dessous.

Pour vérifier complètement ses données d'entrée dans le registre, il faut suivre les étapes ci-dessous.

  • Vérifier votre identité.

  • Vérifier votre adresse résidentielle.

  • Vérifier que vous êtes le propriétaire de la carte de crédit utilisée pour les transactions sur IQ.

Vérification de votre identité

Pour vérifier votre identité, il faut fournir un scan ou une photo d'un des documents standard: passeport (seulement la page avec photo), carte d'identité (2 côtés), permis de conduire (2 côtés).
Les conditions suivantes pour vérifier l'identité d'une personne s’appliquent:

  • Le document doit comporter une photo ainsi que le prénom et le nom de famille;

  • Le document doit être réel et non expiré.

Vérification de l'adresse résidentielle

L'image d'un des documents ci-dessous émis au nom d'une personne est nécessaire pour la vérification de l'adresse:

  • Relevé de compte bancaire ou de carte de crédit;

  • Facture des services publics (électricité, eau et autres);

  • Document de la municipalité confirmant l'adresse (avec un cachet officiel);

  • Formulaire d'impôt rempli.

Les exigences suivantes pour les documents ci-dessus s’appliquent:

  • Ils doivent inclure votre nom et adresse;

  • Ils ne doivent pas dater de plus de 6 mois;

  • Ils doivent porter le logo de la banque ou de l'entreprise ou le sceau du gouvernement;

  • L'image doit montrer tout le papier ou la moitié du papier;

Vérification des cartes bancaires

Pour prouver la propriété de la carte de crédit, vous devez fournir l'image de votre carte bancaire des deux côtés.
Les exigences suivantes pour cette image s’appliquent:

  • La carte doit contenir le nom de l'utilisateur;

  • Sur le recto et le verso de la carte, une partie du numéro doit être masquée (exactement 6 chiffres);

  • Au verso, le code CVV doit être masqué.

Nota bene! Pour masquer le chiffre, vous pouvez utiliser la méthode physique (masquer les chiffres avec une feuille de papier) ou numérique (masquer les chiffres avec une bande noire).
Exigences générales pour tous les fichiers téléchargés:

  • Le papier sur la photo doit être placé de face;

  • Elle ne doit pas être rognée;

  • Tous les angles du document doivent être visibles à l'écran;

  • L'image ne doit pas être floue;

  • L'information doit être claire et lisible;

  • Le papier ne doit pas être obscurci par des objets ou des projecteurs, des reflets;

  • La taille du document téléchargé ne doit pas dépasser 8 mo;

  • Seuls 2 formats sont autorisés: JPG et PNG.

Il est possible de consulter l'état de la vérification dans le compte à tout moment!

Account verification

Account verification

In case you need to deposit or withdraw the money you need to pass the verification process. To fully verify the users register entry data, he should go through the steps below.

  1. Verify the identity.

  2. Check the residential address.

  3. Check that he is the owner of the credit card that he applies for deals in IQ option. ​

Checking the identity

To check the identity, the user should provide a scan or a photo of one of the standart papers: passport (the page with a photo), ID card (2 sides), driver`s license (2 sides).

There are the following requirements for checking the identity:

  1. The information must be clearly seen (including the name and family name);

  2. The document must not be expired.

Checking the residential address

The picture of one of the documents below issued in users name is needed for the address checking:

  1. Statement for a bank account or a credit card account;

  2. Bill for utility services (electricity, water and other);

  3. Document from municipality confirming one`s address (with an official stamp);

  4. Filled tax form.

There are requirements to the papers above:

  1. They should include users name and address;

  2. Papers must not be older than 6 months;

  3. The documents must display the logo of the bank or the firm or the government seal;

  4. The entire paper or half of it;

Bank card checking

To prove the ownership of the credit card, you should deliver the image of your bank card from both sides.

The following requirements to this picture are:

  1. The card must contain the users name;

  2. On the front and back sides of the card, part of the number should be obscured (exactly 6 digits);

  3. On the back side, the CVV code should be obscured.

To make the digit obscure, you can use physical method (hiding figures with a sheet of paper) or digital method (hiding figures with a drawn black strap).

General requirements for all uploaded files:

  1. The paper on the photo must be placed frontally;

  2. It must not be cut short;

  3. All angles of the document must be seen on the screen;

  4. The picture should not be blurred;

  5. The information must be clear and readable;

  6. The paper should not be obscured by any objects or catchlights, hot spots;

  7. The size of the uploaded document should not exceed 8 MB;

  8. Just 2 formats are allowed: JPG and PNG.

It is possible to check verification status in the account in any time.

IQ option verification

IQOption is Secure

IQ option verification

What is the IQ option?

The IQ option verification and is an online broker that is established in the republic of cyprus, was founded in 2013, is regulated by the main world regulators. This broker specializes in binary options trading and has international recognition, which is reflected in a growing number of active accounts, which are now more than 11 million distributed in 178 countries, including united kingdom.

The IQ option has numerous awards such as:

Best binary options broker and best trading application – IAIR AWARDS
binary options broker more innovative – SHOW FX WORLD
binary options broker more reliable 2014 – MASTERFOREX-V
world leader in binary options 2014 – masterforex-V
best industry affiliate program 2014 – RACE AWARD
best trading platform 2014 – FOREX AWARDS
best binary options broker 2014 – FX REPORT AWARDS
brand of binary options developing fastest – global brands magazine
best mobile application for trading – IFM AWARDS 2015
most innovative binary options platform – IFM AWARDS 2015
best european binary options broker in 2015 – global banking & finance review

IQ option accepts bank slip

IQ Option Bank Slip

The online broker IQ option is one of the online brokers most present in the global scenario of trading binary options, with more than 14 million accounts created worldwide. In addition, IQ option has established itself in united kingdom and in the latin american market and has created a loyal user base that accesses the site daily to do its trading operations.

For users to learn how binary options work, IQ option offers a practice account that can be used to perform dummy operations so the user can create more intimacy with this type of operation and discover how the trading world works. Binary options.

Whatever the purpose of the user with binary options trading operations, it is very important that there are means of payment that are consistent with the customs and financial conditions of the country where the site operates. Like many countries, united kingdom has its peculiarities regarding the forms of payment. Some are traditionally more accepted, others have not been in the united kingdomian market.

The form of payment bank slip is deeply rooted in the united kingdomian financial system. It is estimated that in recent years, more than 20% of online transactions made by united kingdomians were made through bank statements. It is certainly a huge number due to the size of the national market. The bank slip facilitates the transactions by internet for the side of the consumer as well as for the side of the company that provides the service.

IQ Option Verification

For a later withdrawal, the user who paid through the bank slip has several options: he can raise his money using bank transfer and virtual wallets like neteller and skrill.

With the inclusion of the bank deposit form, IQ option is closer to the taste of united kingdomians, and may continue to be the benchmark in the binary options market. Add to this your mobile applications, practice account, quick deposit processing time and withdrawals and you can see that IQ option verification and is one of the best online brokerage options on the market.

Visit site IQ Option

the financial products offered by the company present a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your applied funds. You should never invest money that you can not afford to lose.

How to verify your IQ option trading account? Complete guide 2020

IQ option is arguably the single most acclaimed binary options broker today. The brokerage boasts of over 25 million subscribers. Its trading platform is user-friendly, and the low minimum deposit and investment amount attract a lot of people. There are many reviews that will tell you to go for IQ option if you are looking to start trading on binary options. You have probably landed here because you need to know how to get a verified account on IQ option. Your IQ option needs to be verified, for transparency purposes. IQ option’s terms of service also indicate that no other person should trade on your behalf. As such, they need to verify the identity of the person sitting behind the trading platform.

Now get real account with as little as $10. And start trading the BINARY OPTIONS, FOREX, FX OPTIONS & CRYPTOCURRENCIES at one platform. Click to open free demo account | click to get real account in $10 (april 2020)

My recommended brokers

Our aim is to guide you to get a helpful trading account. We seek to ensure you are armed with all the information you need to become a successful binary options trader. IQ option, being one of the best binary options brokers, can help you get there albeit not without some effort. The review will guide you through the steps of getting a verified trading account on IQ option.

Verify your IQ Option Trading Account

IQ option trading account

Before you get to the verification part, you have to register for a trading account. The trading process if not complicated neither does it takes time. You need to ensure you are eligible for a trading account though. You must be of legal age to get a trading account on IQ option. You should also ensure you are from an eligible country. IQ option does not admit persons from various countries in the world. You can access the list of countries on their website.

Once you have confirmed your eligibility, you go ahead and sign up for a trading account. IQ option offers two types of trading accounts. You can go for the real account that requires a minimum deposit of $10 or the premium account that attracts a minimum deposit of $3000. Immediately you sign up, you are going to get access to a demo account. You can use the demo account to get acquainted with the trading platform. You will get to the real trading platform when you make the initial deposit. However, you will need to verify your identity first before you can make the deposit.

Verify your IQ Option Trading Account

Account verification

To verify you IQ option account, you will need to submit documents that show your personal details. First upon registering, and email will be sent to your email inbox. You are to open that email and follow the link attached to verify your email. You should also verify your phone number by receiving a code from IQ option and then entering it on the provided space.

You might need to submit either of the following documents.

These documents are requested in order to verify the identity of the person opening the account and to ensure that the transactions regarding the account will be handled by the right person. Once your account is verified, you will be allowed to make the initial deposit and start trading. Getting you IQ option trading account should be easy and straightforward. Follow these simple guidelines and get yourself ready for binary options trading with IQ option. Happy trading!

“IQ option steals your identity”

Or “verification”

In order to get registered on IQ option, you need to provide certain identifying details and then support them with documents to prove your identity, this process is called verification.

Many new comers turn to us asking about verification, its rules and if it is necessary at all.

So let us talk about each of these in more details:

  1. Verification is not at all scary. It is a very important step on your way to activating your account, providing proof of your identity and getting permission to withdraw funds from your balance.

  2. We only need your documents for the sake of confirming the details you have entered in your personal cabinet as we need to take seriously all the data provided. As the company grows, more cases of fraud, money laundering and underage traders might appear, it is of utmost importance for us to prevent these from taking place and we need your help and full cooperation here.

  3. No personal data under any circumstances can be disclosed by us unless you approve such disclosure in writing form. All the personal information is passed only to personnel dealing with your accounts.

  4. IMPORTANT: there are 2 only e-mail addresses to which we might ask you to send the documents, please do not send them to our support e-mail address or in chat and social media accounts of IQ option, thus we can ensure your privacy 100%.

  5. You only need to send us documents or upload them to your account once, after that we store them safely on our secure servers.

  6. What we accept as a proof of identity: passport, ID card, drivers license.

  7. Proof of address (EU citizens) : bank statement, utility bills.

Please note: we only accept uncropped clear color scans/photos of a good resolution. A file must be of one of the extensions: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf



IMPORTANT: if you have used a bank card to deposit, we will need a photo of this card(s) from both sides (CVV closed as the part of the 16 digits on the front side), the card needs to be signed, it is not authorized without the owner’s signature.

EXAMPLE: if you are from a non- eropean country and have used an e-wallet to deposit, all we will need from you is your ID or passport.

I hope you find this article helpful, we will be glad to give you more details in case you wonder about something else.

NOTE: this article is not an investment advice. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational and based on external analysis and we do not warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future.
In accordance with european securities and markets authority’s (ESMA) requirements, binary and digital options trading is only available to clients categorized as professional clients.

Cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.
84% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.
You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

So, let's see, what we have: pour vérifier complètement ses données d'entrée dans le registre, il faut suivre les étapes ci-dessous. At iq option verification

Contents of the article

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