About Us, bono trading.

Bono trading

Our team has over the years carefully cultivated relationships with some of the largest players on the international oil scene and can boast a strong network of government and local contacts in nigeria and WAF.

Actual forex bonuses

About Us, bono trading.

About Us, bono trading.

About Us, bono trading.

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About us

BONO ENERGY is a full-service oil trading and services company providing a broad spectrum of energy solutions to customers around nigeria and the west african sub region.

  • Trading

  • Marketing

  • Distribution

  • Logistics support

BONO ENERGY is registered in nigeria with our headquarters in lagos.

Our team has over the years carefully cultivated relationships with some of the largest players on the international oil scene and can boast a strong network of government and local contacts in nigeria and WAF. Click here to read more.

Our lagos office is the headquarters and the hub of the company’s worldwide trading and allied activities. From this base in the commercial heart of nigeria, BONO ENERGY has established a strong foothold in one of the world’s most important oil producing and consuming economies. BONO ENERGY is strategically positioned to take advantage of the opportunities inherent for a nigerian-owned company in a post deregulation sector.

Our business mission is to take global skills to local markets.

BONO ENERGY management takes the time to soak up local and international culture, talk to local businesses, study local politics and economics. The company therefore has practical trading models that are tailored to the market, thereby improving operational efficiency and reducing costs. This local expertise gives BONO ENERGY a competitive edge over even larger foreign firms.

Quality and service are hallmarks of the BONO ENERGY brand. The company employs international best practices and will go the extra mile to ensure complete customer satisfaction. As a small but growing firm, BONO ENERGY is sufficiently nimble to react rapidly to change and has the creative freedom lacking in bigger, more bureaucratic firms. In addition, BONO ENERGY is able to leverage its relationships with international trading companies, major oil companies and financial institutions, to ensure world-class standards in every aspect of its operations.

Beware this ‘celebrity’ bitcoin scam

Losses of up to £200,000 are being reported by victims of a sophisticated global investment fraud

Beware this ‘celebrity’ bitcoin scam

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Criminals are exploiting trusted global websites to post fake celebrity endorsements for cryptocurrency, in one of the most prolific internet scams which? Has seen.

Victims of a prolific bitcoin scam are reporting individual losses of up to £200,000 after following links on AOL, MSN, yahoo and facebook.

Which? Has spoken to dozens of people who’ve encountered the scam – which falsely claims celebrities have backed a bitcoin investment scheme – while browsing legitimate sites.

In many cases, the fake advertorials are convincingly designed to look like pages from the BBC or mirror websites.

Read on to find out how the scam works, how to avoid falling for it, and why which? Is calling time on legitimate sites hosting dodgy links.

Celebrity ‘endorsements’ used to ensnare investors

Celebrities used in these fake advertorials include deborah meaden and peter jones from dragon’s den, ant mcpartlin of presenting duo ant and dec, billionaire businessmen lord sugar, sir philip green and sir james dyson, presenters simon cowell and holly willoughby, and former love island contestant charlie brake.

About Us, bono trading.

To be clear, none of these celebrities are responsible for the fraud, but their images and reputations are being ruthlessly abused by organised scammers.

We’ve found countless variations of the scam still live at least three years after it first surfaced, but most of them proceed in a similar way.

How the scam unfolds

Imagine you’re browsing AOL.Co.Uk. On the sidebar you spot a picture of dragons’ den star deborah meaden, with a black eye.

There’s nothing obvious to suggest it’s an advert – it looks like an image from a legitimate news story.

Clicking on it takes you to a news story on a third-party page, which seems like a respectable news site for investors. It describes how meaden and her fellow dragons were impressed with a bitcoin investment scheme on an episode of the show.

The strange photo of meaden’s black eye is forgotten as you read how the dragons chose to invest and reaped the financial rewards. At the bottom of the page is a web form where you can express interest in joining the investment scheme.

Heeding the warnings that the scheme will soon close to new investors, you submit your name, email address and phone number.

About Us, bono trading.

The buy-in

A short while later, you receive a phone call from your ‘investment manager’. She or he encourages you to make a surprisingly modest initial investment to purchase £250 worth of bitcoin.

By email you receive a link and login details to the ‘trading platform’ where your bitcoins are being held. Over the coming weeks the value of your bitcoin holdings appears to increase, and your investment manager calls you frequently, encouraging you to buy more.

When you refuse to pay anything further and mention that you’re thinking of cashing out, your investment manager releases £40 to your bank account so you can ‘enjoy the profits’. Reassured, you carry on investing.

Months later, you’ve sunk £5,000 into the scheme – although your bitcoins are valued at £50,000 on the trading platform.

Now you decide it’s time to enjoy your returns, so your manager directs you to deposit their commission – a further £5,000 – into a bank account and await a phone call releasing your funds.

This was the appalling experience of one which? Reader, who has asked to remain anonymous.

The scale of the problem

We’ve obtained exclusive data from police fraud reporting centre action fraud, which shows the huge scale of the problem.

There were 1,560 cases of cryptocurrency investment frauds reported in the first six months of 2019 alone. In the same period, there were 212 reports of investment fraud where celebrity endorsement was specifically cited by the victim as an enabler of the scam.

Action fraud is a self-reporting tool now no longer used in scotland, so it’s likely that these alarming figures are in fact underrepresenting the scale of the problem.

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency – a form of digital money which can be bought with other currencies, traded for them and (where retailers accept it) used to buy goods and services. Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin run on a technology called blockchain – essentially a huge online database of transactions.

Blockchain’s great strength is that it’s considered unhackable. This is because rather than transactions being recorded on a traditional centralised database which someone could manipulate, they’re recorded and updated in many locations simultaneously.

Bitcoin is far from the only cryptocurrency to be targeted by scammers. In july 2018, we explored the sometimes murky world of ‘initial coin offerings’. Unlike bitcoin, which has achieved some respectability and is accepted by some retailers, there is no guarantee that investors will be able to spend these newly established cryptocurrencies anywhere.

How to stay safe

This scam proceeds along classic psychological principles – appealing to authority (using celebrities and trusted sites), starting out with small demands (£250) before gradually escalating and releasing a nominal sum to trick you into thinking you can get the rest.

All the traditional investment advice applies. Be extremely sceptical of grandiose claims, and seek advice from a financial adviser registered by the financial conduct authority if you’re not sure about something.

Novice investors should consider traditional investments first and aim to build wealth gradually through a diversified portfolio.

The websites respond

We’re extremely concerned to hear reports of legitimate websites serving up scam adverts – some of them in recent weeks – and we put our allegations to them.

A facebook spokesperson said: ‘we don’t tolerate fraud on our platform, which is why we’re taking action to stop scams wherever they appear. We have donated £3m to citizens advice to deliver a new UK scam action programme, and we have created a new scam ads reporting tool on facebook in the UK, supported by a dedicated internal operations team.

‘if people see something on facebook they think is a scam, we urge them to report it by clicking on the top right of any ad they see.’

A microsoft spokesperson explained that ‘the issue of “ad cloaking” is a challenge across the online advertising industry’ and that microsoft is ‘working…to address the techniques scammers use and detect, block and remove advertisements more effectively.

In the meantime, we urge customers to remain vigilant and only engage with brands they trust and recognise.’

A spokesperson for verizon media, the parent company of AOL and yahoo, told us: ‘deceptive and misleading ads are not acceptable, and we expect our partners to comply with all laws, regulations and our policies.

‘we will take action to block ads in violation of our policies, as well as bad actors who work to circumvent our human and automated controls.

‘we have a new, simplified adfeedback reporting tool for our users to identify anything they believe to be “misleading or a scam” through a simple thumbs up, thumbs-down icon on ads served through our platforms that is rolling out now. Our teams will remove any ads identified and confirmed as such.’

  • The full investigation appeared in the december issue of which? Money magazine. You can try which? Money today for just £1 to have our impartial, jargon-free insight delivered to your door every month.

Euro-BONO futures (FBON)


Data is for 22.01.2021 last update:jan 23, 2021 12:00:00 AM

delivery month opening price daily high daily low last price settlem. Price traded contracts open interest open interest (adj.)
mar 21 162.94 163.10 162.56 162.88 162.90 1,433 5,910 4,655
jun 21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 164.44 0 0 0
sep 21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 161.92 0 0 0
total 1,433 5,910 4,655


Displayed data is 15 minutes delayed. Last trade:

opening price high low bid price bid vol ask price ask vol diff. To prev. Day last last price date time daily settlem. Price traded contracts open interest (adj.) open interest date last trading day
163.02 163.70 162.91 n.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. +0.45% 163.62 01/25/2021 18:04:14 163.64 509 4,922 01/25/2021 01/25/2021


Contract specifications

Contract standards

Notional short-, medium- or long-term debt instruments issued by the federal republic of germany, the republic of italy, the republic of france, the kingdom of spain or the swiss confederation with remaining terms and a coupon of:

Short-term euro-BTP futures

Long-term euro-BTP futures

Contract values

EUR 100,000 or CHF 100,000.


A delivery obligation arising out of a short position may only be fulfilled by the delivery of certain debt securities issued by the federal republic of germany, the republic of italy, the republic of france, the kingdom of spain or the swiss confederation with a remaining term on the delivery day within the remaining term of the underlying. Settlement of debt securities issued by the republic of italy, the republic of france and the kingdom of spain in case of physical delivery will be done via clearstream banking luxemburg.

Debt securities issued by the federal republic of germany must have an original term of no longer than 11 years (not valid for FGBX).

Debt securities issued by the republic of italy must have an original term of no longer than 16 years.

Debt securities issued by the republic of france must have an original term of no longer than 17 years.

Debt securities issued by the the kingdom of spain must have an original term of no longer than 15 years.

In the case of callable bonds issued by the swiss confederation, the first and the last call dates must be between eight and 13 years.

Debt securities issued by the federal republic of germany must have a minimum issue amount of EUR 4 billion.

Debt securities issued by the republic of france, the republic of italy and the kingdom of spain must have a minimum issue amount of EUR 5 billion, such issued by the republic of italy and the kingdom of spain no later than ten exchange days prior to the last trading day of the current maturity month, otherwise, they shall not be deliverable until the delivery day of the current maturity month.

Debt securities issued by the swiss confederation must have a minimum issue amount of CHF 500 million.

Price quotation and minimum price change

The price quotation is in percent of the par value.

Short-term euro-BTP futures

Long-term euro-BTP futures

Contract months

Up to 9 months:the three nearest quarterly months of the march, june, september and december cycle.

Delivery day

The tenth calendar day of the respective quarterly month, if this day is an exchange day; otherwise, the exchange day immediately succeeding that day.


Clearing members with open short positions must notify eurex on the last trading day of the maturing futures which debt instrument they will deliver. Such notification must be given by the end of the post-trading full period.

Last trading day

Two exchange days prior to the delivery day of the relevant maturity month. Close of trading in the maturing futures on the last trading day is at 12:30 CET.

Daily settlement price

The daily settlement prices for the current maturity month of CONF futures are determined during the closing auction of the respective futures contract.

For all other fixed income futures, the daily settlement price for the current maturity month is derived from the volume-weighted average of the prices of all transactions during the minute before 17:15 CET (reference point), provided that more than five trades transacted within this period.

For the remaining maturity months the daily settlement price for a contract is determined based on the average bid/ask spread of the combination order book.

Final settlement price

The final settlement price is established by eurex on the final settlement day at 12:30 CET based on the volume-weighted average price of all trades during the final minute of trading provided that more than ten trades occurred during this minute; otherwise the volume-weighted average price of the last ten trades of the day, provided that these are not older than 30 minutes. If such a price cannot be determined, or does not reasonably reflect the prevailing market conditions, eurex will establish the final settlement price.

Fixed income futures are available for trading in the U.S.

Block trades

Admitted to the eurex block trade service with a minimum block trade size of 250 contracts.

Market-making parameter

All quotation parameters at a glance

  • Quotation period

  • Maturity range

  • Spread class & maximum spread

  • Minimum quote size

Mistrade parameter

This file provides an overview of mistrade ranges for options and futures including information on their behavior close to expiration and in stressed markets.

Crossing parameters

(section 2.6 eurex trading conditions)

(1) orders and quotes relating to the same instrument or combined instrument may, in case they could immediately be executed against each other, neither be entered knowingly by an exchange participant (a cross trade) nor pursuant to a prior understanding by two different exchange participants (a pre-arranged trade), unless the conditions according to paragraph 3 have been fulfilled. The same shall apply for the entry of orders as part of a quote.

(2) an exchange participant may submit a description of his internal and external links to the EDP system of eurex deutschland to the market surveillance office of eurex deutschland with a view to a decision on whether the exchange participant acted knowingly within the meaning of paragraph 1. The details of the specifications of the description of the IT linkage pursuant to sentence 1 shall be determined by the surveillance office of eurex deutschland in agreement with the management board of eurex deutschland.

(3) A cross trade or a pre-arranged trade is admissible if a participant in a cross-trade or a pre-arranged trade, prior to entering his order or quote into the EDP system of eurex deutschland, announces his intention to execute a corresponding number of contracts as cross-trades or pre-arranged trades in the order book (“cross request”). The order or quote giving rise to the cross trade or pre-arranged trade must be entered one second at the earliest and 61 seconds at the latest with regard to money market futures contracts, fixed income futures contracts, options on money market futures contracts and options on fixed income futures contracts, respectively 31 seconds at the latest with regard to all other futures and option contracts after having entered the cross request. The purchasing exchange participant shall bear the responsibility for compliance with the content of the cross request entry. Entering a cross request without subsequently entering the respective order or quote is not admissible.

(4) paragraphs 1 and 3 shall not apply to transactions consummated during the netting process in an auction (number 1.4 paragraphs 2 and paragraph 3).

(5) paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to other behaviour constituting evasion of this regulation.

Bono trading


Un bono es una inversión de deuda en la que los inversores prestan fondos a una empresa o a un gobierno por un período de tiempo determinado y a un interés variable o fijo. Las empresas, los gobiernos y los municipios utilizan los bonos para recaudar dinero con el objetivo de financiar proyectos.

También conocido como valores de renta fija, se clasifica en una de las tres principales clases de activos genéricos que incluyen acciones y efectivo. Lo que hay que saber es que la mayoría de los bonos, tanto corporativos como gubernamentales, se negocian en bolsas públicas y en el mercado extrabursátil.

Principales tipos de bonos

Hay cuatro tipos principales de bonos:

Bono corporativo

Es uno de los mayores componentes del mercado de bonos de los estados unidos. Al ser los mayores valores del mundo, las empresas utilizan los ingresos de los bonos corporativos para diferentes propósitos, por ejemplo, para comprar nuevos equipos, invertir en I+D, pagar los dividendos de los accionistas, refinanciar la deuda y realizar fusiones o adquisiciones.

Los bonos corporativos se clasifican según su vencimiento, que se refiere al período de tiempo de que dispone la empresa para pagar el principal a los inversores. El vencimiento puede ser

A. A corto plazo – menos de 3 años

B. A medio plazo – entre 4 y 10 años

C. A largo plazo – más de 10 años

Bono municipal

También denominados munis, son títulos de deuda emitidos por ciudades, condados y estados, entre otras entidades gubernamentales. Se utilizan para financiar las obligaciones del día a día, así como proyectos de capital como sistemas de alcantarillado y carreteras.

Los bonos municipales pueden adquirirse a cambio de pagos regulares de intereses que se remiten semestralmente con la promesa de devolver la suma principal. Es importante señalar que los bonos municipales están exentos del impuesto federal sobre la renta. Incluso los intereses pueden estar exentos de impuestos estatales y locales.

Los bonos del tesoro de los EE.UU.

Son emitidos por el departamento del tesoro de los EE.UU., lo que significa que llevan la plena fe y el crédito del gobierno federal. Esto hace que los bonos del tesoro de EE.UU. Sean una inversión segura y popular. Hay varios tipos de bonos del tesoro de los EE.UU. Y son:

Como valores a corto plazo, maduran entre unos días y 52 semanas

Maduran en 10 años, lo que significa que son valores a largo plazo

Como otro tipo de valores a largo plazo, tiene un período de vencimiento de 30 años. El interés se paga después de cada 6 meses.

Bono de grado de inversión y alto rendimiento

Los bonos de grado de inversión tienen una calificación crediticia más alta, lo que significa que tienen menos riesgo crediticio que los de alto rendimiento. El alto rendimiento son bonos con una calificación crediticia más baja, por lo que tienen un riesgo crediticio más alto. Como resultado, ofrecen tasas de interés más altas a cambio.

Cómo funcionan los bonos

Lo que debes saber es que los bonos proporcionan una forma de preservar el capital así como un medio para obtener rendimientos. No sólo eso, sino que aseguran a los inversores un flujo constante de ingresos que se derivan de los intereses antes del vencimiento. Como se dijo anteriormente, los bonos están exentos de impuestos federales, estatales y locales.

Los bonos se emiten a inversores privados o al público en general. Los inversores interesados compran estos bonos y prestan dinero al gobierno o a la empresa. El dinero se utiliza para financiar diferentes proyectos como la compra de equipos o la construcción de carreteras.

Cada bono tiene un período de vencimiento definido que depende de su tipo. Cuando madura, se hacen pagos regulares de intereses al inversor.


Es importante entender que los bonos juegan un papel crucial cuando se trata de la cartera de un inversor. Los bonos no sólo permiten a los inversores diversificar sus inversiones, sino que son menos volátiles en comparación con otros valores como las acciones. Como una inversión segura, se le asegura que los pagos regulares informarán de los intereses hasta su vencimiento.


About Us, bono trading.

About me bonotradeavenue



See the chart. Pretty much self-explanatory





Oil support and resistance area



Scenario: trade war continues NZD/USD buy and sell areas PM me if you have any questions or see my status


Q1 and Q2 targets for USDCHF if you have any questions, send me a PM or see my status


Q1 and Q2 targets for AUDUSD for questions send me a pm or see my status



All I want for christmas is.


FOREXCOM:USDJPY FX_IDC:USDJPY TVC:DXY 1st quarter target 108 - 105 2nd quarter target 105 -107 3rd quarter target 107 - 108 4th quarter target 108 - 111 alternate scenario with US recession short till 100 and lower or until the market recovers.


CL1! FOREXCOM:WTIUSD TVC:USOIL 6 months forecast.


FOREXCOM:EURUSD INDEX:DXY EU 1st quarter target = 1.15 2nd quarter target = 1.13 3rd quarter target = 1.13 4th quarter target = 1.12 .


TVC:USOIL US oil had a good rally at the beginning of the year. It reached $49 (68% fib on a 4hr chart) then retraced back to $48 (50%). Currently sitting at 50% and looking like it is holding. It is slowly forming an H and S, which is a good sign, if it completes and may signal a reversal. However, this volume is concerning. Either traders are still on.


Just one word "BREXIT" FOREXCOM:GBPUSD 1st quarter target 1.28 -1.3 2nd quarter target 1.28 - 1.27 3rd quarter target 1.27 - 1.24 4th quarter target 1.24 -1.2 not a trading advise. Other ideas .


USD in a nutshell. In 2019, the US economy will be slowing down GDP growth will slow down to 2.7% unemployment rate will go up to 4% consumer confidence will go down business confidence will go down as well government debt will continue to rise inflation will go up 2.2 - 2.6 interest rate will be increased twice 2.5 - 2.75 even though, those future data will be.

Bono trading


Un bono es una inversión de deuda en la que los inversores prestan fondos a una empresa o a un gobierno por un período de tiempo determinado y a un interés variable o fijo. Las empresas, los gobiernos y los municipios utilizan los bonos para recaudar dinero con el objetivo de financiar proyectos.

También conocido como valores de renta fija, se clasifica en una de las tres principales clases de activos genéricos que incluyen acciones y efectivo. Lo que hay que saber es que la mayoría de los bonos, tanto corporativos como gubernamentales, se negocian en bolsas públicas y en el mercado extrabursátil.

Principales tipos de bonos

Hay cuatro tipos principales de bonos:

Bono corporativo

Es uno de los mayores componentes del mercado de bonos de los estados unidos. Al ser los mayores valores del mundo, las empresas utilizan los ingresos de los bonos corporativos para diferentes propósitos, por ejemplo, para comprar nuevos equipos, invertir en I+D, pagar los dividendos de los accionistas, refinanciar la deuda y realizar fusiones o adquisiciones.

Los bonos corporativos se clasifican según su vencimiento, que se refiere al período de tiempo de que dispone la empresa para pagar el principal a los inversores. El vencimiento puede ser

A. A corto plazo – menos de 3 años

B. A medio plazo – entre 4 y 10 años

C. A largo plazo – más de 10 años

Bono municipal

También denominados munis, son títulos de deuda emitidos por ciudades, condados y estados, entre otras entidades gubernamentales. Se utilizan para financiar las obligaciones del día a día, así como proyectos de capital como sistemas de alcantarillado y carreteras.

Los bonos municipales pueden adquirirse a cambio de pagos regulares de intereses que se remiten semestralmente con la promesa de devolver la suma principal. Es importante señalar que los bonos municipales están exentos del impuesto federal sobre la renta. Incluso los intereses pueden estar exentos de impuestos estatales y locales.

Los bonos del tesoro de los EE.UU.

Son emitidos por el departamento del tesoro de los EE.UU., lo que significa que llevan la plena fe y el crédito del gobierno federal. Esto hace que los bonos del tesoro de EE.UU. Sean una inversión segura y popular. Hay varios tipos de bonos del tesoro de los EE.UU. Y son:

Como valores a corto plazo, maduran entre unos días y 52 semanas

Maduran en 10 años, lo que significa que son valores a largo plazo

Como otro tipo de valores a largo plazo, tiene un período de vencimiento de 30 años. El interés se paga después de cada 6 meses.

Bono de grado de inversión y alto rendimiento

Los bonos de grado de inversión tienen una calificación crediticia más alta, lo que significa que tienen menos riesgo crediticio que los de alto rendimiento. El alto rendimiento son bonos con una calificación crediticia más baja, por lo que tienen un riesgo crediticio más alto. Como resultado, ofrecen tasas de interés más altas a cambio.

Cómo funcionan los bonos

Lo que debes saber es que los bonos proporcionan una forma de preservar el capital así como un medio para obtener rendimientos. No sólo eso, sino que aseguran a los inversores un flujo constante de ingresos que se derivan de los intereses antes del vencimiento. Como se dijo anteriormente, los bonos están exentos de impuestos federales, estatales y locales.

Los bonos se emiten a inversores privados o al público en general. Los inversores interesados compran estos bonos y prestan dinero al gobierno o a la empresa. El dinero se utiliza para financiar diferentes proyectos como la compra de equipos o la construcción de carreteras.

Cada bono tiene un período de vencimiento definido que depende de su tipo. Cuando madura, se hacen pagos regulares de intereses al inversor.


Es importante entender que los bonos juegan un papel crucial cuando se trata de la cartera de un inversor. Los bonos no sólo permiten a los inversores diversificar sus inversiones, sino que son menos volátiles en comparación con otros valores como las acciones. Como una inversión segura, se le asegura que los pagos regulares informarán de los intereses hasta su vencimiento.

GANADORES del bono de trading (bingbon & cripto señales méxico)

Estimados usuarios de bingbon:

El 22 de diciembre 2020 celebramos el evento exclusivo ask me anything (AMA) con cripto señales méxico por telegram.

Al final del evento se publicó un cuestionario en el que los participantes debían responder correctamente y enviar con su UID para poder recibir el bono de trading.

Los usuarios ganadores pueden revisar su premio en la sección “cuenta” - ”mi bono” en la app bingbon.

Los ganadores serán premiados por bingbon de acuerdo a las siguientes reglas:

Reglas de distribución del bono de trading

Cada ganador recibirá tres bonos. La posición que se abra con el bono se cerrará automáticamente en 24 horas (también se puede cerrar manualmente antes).

Todos los bonos permiten un apalancamiento hasta 10X (las fechas entre paréntesis indican el plazo de validez del bono, UTC/GMT-6

Categoría: los usuarios que tuvieron las 5 respuestas correctas

Total del bono: 100USDT

50 USDT (fecha de validez 23/12 22:00pm~27/12 21:59pm)

30 USDT (fecha de validez 27/12 22:00pm~31/12 21:59pm)

20 USDT (fecha de validez 31/12 22:00pm~04/01 21:59pm)

Categoría: los usuarios que tuvieron 4 respuestas correctas

Total del bono: 50USDT

30 USDT (fecha de validez 23/12 22:00pm~27/12 21:59pm)

10 USDT (fecha de validez 27/12 22:00pm~31/12 21:59pm)

10 USDT (fecha de validez 31/12 22:00pm~04/01 21:59pm)

Categoría: los usuarios que tuvieron 3 respuestas correctas

Total del bono: 30USDT

10 USDT (fecha de validez 23/12 22:00pm~27/12 21:59pm)

10 USDT (fecha de validez 27/12 22:00pm~31/12 21:59pm)

10 USDT (fecha de validez 31/12 22:00pm~04/01 21:59pm)

Categoría: los usuarios que tuvieron 2 respuestas correctas

Total del bono: 20USDT

10 USDT (fecha de validez 23/12 22:00pm~27/12 21:59pm)

5 USDT (fecha de validez 27/12 22:00pm~31/12 21:59pm)

5 USDT (fecha de validez 31/12 22:00pm~04/01 21:59pm)

Categoría: los que tuvieron una sola respuesta correcta o ninguna respuesta correcta, NO ganan bono.

Lista de usuarios ganadores del bono de bingbon:

Videos oficiales de como usar el bono de trading de bingbon:

Las respuestas correctas son:

  1. ¿cuál es la cantidad mínima para hacer copy trading en bingbon?

  1. ¿hasta cuántas X de apalancamiento permite bingbon?

  1. ¿cuáles son los productos que ofrece bingbon?

Criptomonedas, índices globales, forex y commodities

  1. ¿cuáles son las licencias internacionales con las que cuenta bingbon?

MTR europa, MSB EE.UU. Y DCR australia

5.¿qué son las VST en bingbon?

Moneda virtual para el demo trading

Advertencia de riesgo:

El trading de derivados de activos digitales está altamente apalancado y es arriesgado, y puede resultar en la pérdida total o parcial de los fondos de la cuenta. Antes de realizar trading por contrato, los inversores deben asegurarse de comprender la naturaleza y las reglas de la negociación por contrato, y decidir si participar en la negociación por contrato en función de su experiencia de inversión, objetivos, situación financiera y capacidad para asumir riesgos.

Bono trading

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GeneTrade | Trade Forex & CFDs with the best Trading Conditions

GeneTrade | Trade Forex & CFDs with the best Trading Conditions

GeneTrade | Trade Forex & CFDs with the best Trading Conditions

GeneTrade | Trade Forex & CFDs with the best Trading Conditions

GeneTrade | Trade Forex & CFDs with the best Trading Conditions

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What does trading flat mean?

What does flat mean?

Flat, in the securities market, is a price that is neither rising nor declining. Under fixed income terminology, a bond that is trading without accrued interest is said to be flat. In forex, flat refers to the condition of being neither long nor short in a particular currency, and is also referred to as 'being square.’

Understanding flat stocks

When the stock market has made little to no movement over a period of time, it is said to be a flat market. This does not mean that all publicly traded securities in the market are making no significant movements. Instead, the increasing price movement of some sector or industry stocks may be offset by an equal declining movement in the prices of securities from other sectors. Investors and traders looking for profits in a flat market are better off trading individual stocks with upward momentum, rather than trading the market indices.

Individual stocks can also be flat. For example, if a stock over the last month has been trading around $30, it can be thought of as trading flat. Bombardier inc. (TSX:BBD-B.TO) is considered a flat stock as it has averaged around $3 in the past five years (2013 to 2018). Writing covered calls is a good strategy to profit from a stock that stays flat or goes down modestly.

Understanding flat bonds

A bond is trading flat if the buyer of the bond is not responsible for paying the interest that has accrued since the last payment (accrued interest is usually part of the bond purchase price). In effect, a flat bond is a bond that is trading without the accrued interest. The price of a flat bond is referred to as the flat price or clean price. Typically, flat prices are quoted so as not to misrepresent the daily increase in the dirty price (bond price plus accrued interest) since accrued interest does not change the yield to maturity (YTM) of the bond.

A bond also trades flat if interest payment on the bond is due but the issuer is in default. Bonds that are in default are to be traded flat without calculation of accrued interest and with delivery of the coupons which have not been paid by the issuers. Also, if a bond settles on the same date as the interest is paid and, therefore, no additional interest has accrued beyond the amount already paid out, the bond is said to trade flat.

Flat position in forex trading

Being flat is a position taken by a trader in forex trading when s/he is unsure about the direction of currencies trading in the market. If you had no positions in the U.S. Dollar or your long and short positions canceled each other out, you would be flat or have a flat book. The flat position is considered a positive position given that although the trader is not making any profits by standing on the sidelines, s/he is also not making any losses.

A flat can also refer to a trade in which the currency pair has not moved significantly up or down and, therefore, has no large gain or loss attributed to the forex trading position. Since a flat price stays within the same range and hardly moves, a horizontal or sideways trend can negatively affect the trade position.

Bono trading

Siguiendo dejar de seguir

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GGAL se encuentra en toma de posible de dos mínimos importante para continuar su desempeño alcista. Tanto en 104.630 a 102.200 como primera opción u ir por el minimo de 96 para comenzar su "largo " esperado

ZT1!: Largo en las notas de 2 años: nos vamos a cero y por debajo

Después de la debacle de marzo los tipos a 2 años USA siguen testarudos sin rectificar. Están acumulando presión para irse a territorio negativo. Esto huele a deflación de la buena.

SBUX: Fitch rebaja Starbucks a

Fitch ratings ha rebajado las calificaciones de starbucks corporation a 'BBB' de 'BBB +'. Fitch ha asignado una calificación de 'BBB' a los bonos sin garantía propuestos por $ 3 mil millones de starbucks. La rebaja es el resultado del mayor perfil de apalancamiento de starbucks luego de la emisión propuesta de $ 3 mil millones. Se proyecta que la nueva deuda.

BA: Boeing (BA) lanza oferta de bonos

Boeing (BA) lanza la oferta de bonos jumbo para aumentar las tenencias de efectivo. Quien los va a comprar ahora? El gobierno?

BND/VTI: BND/VTI sigue mostrando dominio accionario

El ratio BND/VTI nos muestra como el mercado accionario continúa siendo muy superior al mercado de bonos, en cuanto a rendimientos se refiere. El rally alcista sostenido en el mercado accionario vs la caída en las tasas de los bonos son la causa de esta relación tan dispareja. Entre junio y octubre de 2019 tuvimos tres intentos, por parte del mercado de bonos.

BND/VTI: Apetito de Riesgo en el mercado

Cuando observamos el ratio del mercado de bonos frente al mercado accionario, podemos tener una medida de como está el apetito de riesgo en el mercado. El ratio se mantiene muy próximo al soporte establecido en mayo del presente año, que representa el nivel más bajo del año. El mercado de bonos ha perdido fuerza frente a un mercado accionario, que además se.


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US10Y: Guerra de tasas

En este gráfico mensual vemos la evolución de la tasa del bono a 10 años de USA. Vemos como la cotización recorre un canal bajista. En la actualidad, la tasa se encuentra en una profunda caída producto de la guerra comercial. Como soporte planteamos el nivel 1,37 marcado en amarillo que a su vez coincide con el nivel 1 de fibonacci.

US10Y-US02Y: Inversión curva rendimiento y recesión en USA

Esta es la mejor forma de ilustrar usando los indicadores de tradingview, la curva de rendimiento se basa en la idea de que un bono a más tiempo debería pagar más porque hay más riesgo de por medio, bueno pues cuando el bono a 10 años que debería pagar más que el bono a 2 años resulta ser que paga menos, implica que el mercado ve un problema tan grave en el corto.



JNK: ETF de los bonos de alto rendimiento $JNK parece girarse

El indicador MACD sobre el ETF JNK (bonos de alto rendimiento) parece estar dando una importante señal de venta en el corto plazo. Observo con mucha atención lo que ocurre con este ETF como un proxy al apetito o aversión al riesgo existente en el mercado. Caídas en el JNK sugieren un mercado que ha perdido el tono riskon o de apetito por riesgo y es una señal de.

1/TN1!: Bonos 10 Años EEUU : Largo plazo

Buenas tardes traders, los bonos a 10 años de EEUU siguen el patrón esperado por lo que es de esperar que será bajista para el yen, y concretamente posibilidades alcistas para el USDJPY . El lunes plantearé largos en USDJPY si rompe 110.75 : el 12 de septiembre 2017 esta era la idea. El USDJPY ha realizado una cierta corrección pero puede estar finalizada .


Buenas tardes traders, el bono a 10 años de EEUU tiene una correlación inversa bastante alta con USDJPY , lo cual sirve para tomar decisiones de inversión . A nivel técnico en 4 HR el USDJPY está por encima de 50 y 200 MM , pero a nivel de gráfico diario , los bonos invertidos muestran una posible bandera alcista , lo cual apoyaría un movimiento alcista del par.

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