Your Personal Area, personal area fbs.

Personal area fbs

In the “trading platform” tab there is an opportunity to download metatrader4 for different operating systems.

Actual forex bonuses

Your Personal Area, personal area fbs.

Your Personal Area, personal area fbs.

Your Personal Area, personal area fbs.

Mobile apps are available both for android and ios. Same options will be visible on the panel at the top of the page after you choose one of them in the menu.

Your personal area

Your personal area at FBS is a place where you can manage your accounts and your interaction with FBS…

Your personal area at FBS is a place where you can manage your accounts and your interaction with FBS.

Here you can change your profile settings, make deposit and withdrawal requests, download trading platforms.

Let’s explore this area! Your name will be shown in the upper panel as well.

Click on it and a number of options will present themselves.

Same options will be visible on the panel at the top of the page after you choose one of them in the menu.

Firstly, you may edit your profile settings. You may edit the name, time zone, mobile number, email, country, postcode, city and home address.

Other settings here include confirmation settings and email notifications. For your security, you can make your personal area accessible only from your IP address.

To do this please click on the button in the IP-access section.

Then copy your IP address, paste it here. Click “add”. This is your allowed IP address. If you want to make things by default level – your personal area accessible from any IP address – just click at the red cross and it will return to default.

What about other options? Here we have profile settings, login history, personal area password, verification and an opportunity to log out.

Then let’s move to the dashboard. Here you see your accounts: real and demo ones and their balances.

If you click on the account number, you will see the detailed information about this account in the main menu.

If you forgot the password to an account, you can generate a new one.

Here it is, this option at the bottom of the page. Click “create new” and then “generate password”.

Here’s a new password. If you need more accounts, by pressing the “open account” icon, you can open a new account of a category.

The big panel at the upper center of the screen shows the steps you need to take to start trading with FBS.

These steps are very simple and won’t take much time. We described these steps in the video “how to open a trading account at FBS” and the video “how to verify your FBS profile”.

Let’s go back to the menu. The next option is “financial operations”. Here you can learn what systems are available to deposit and withdraw funds, make the internal transfer, and go through transaction history.

In the tab “accounts” you can open a new account. If you want to refresh your knowledge about the account types offered by FBS, click on “account types”.

In the “trading platform” tab there is an opportunity to download metatrader4 for different operating systems. Mobile apps are available both for android and ios.

Choose your operating system, click download, open the downloaded setup file, and follow the instructions to complete the standard installation process.

Now it’s time to use this knowledge and test what you learned about your personal area!

Your personal area

Your personal area at FBS is a place where you can manage your accounts and your interaction with FBS…

Your personal area at FBS is a place where you can manage your accounts and your interaction with FBS.

Here you can open accounts of different types, make deposit and withdrawal requests, see the info about contests, promotions and bonuses and download trading platforms.

In the panel on the very top, you will be able to switch between trader and partner accounts as well as change the language of the page.

There’s also a button for quick access to making a deposit.

Your name will be shown in the upper panel as well. Next to it you will see a green icon. Click on it and a number of options will present themselves.

Firstly, you may edit your profile settings. You may edit the name, time zone, mobile number, email, country, postcode, city and home address.

You may also link your personal area to your social network profiles. Other settings here include confirmation settings and email notifications.

For your security, you can make your personal area accessible only from your IP address. To do this please click on the button in the IP-access section.

Then copy your IP address, paste it here. Click “add”. Voila! This is your allowed IP address.

If you want to make things by default level – your personal area accessible from any IP address – just click at the red cross and it will return to default.

This green button at the top panel also leads you to several other options, like viewing your login history, resetting your personal area password and undergoing verification as well as logging out.

You will always see your accounts in the top left corner of your personal area – real and demo ones and their balances.

If you click on the account number, you will see the detailed information about this account in the main menu. If you forgot the password to an account, you can generate a new one.

Here it is, this option at the bottom of the page. Click “create new” and then “generate password”. Here’s a new password.

Note that there are several categories of accounts.

“trading” is an MT4 account, “trading MT5”, consequently, is for metatrader 5 accounts and if you want to be FBS partner, you will need a special “partner” account.

Next, to each account category there’s a “+” icon. By pressing this icon, you can open a new account of a category.

The big panel at the upper center of the screen shows the steps you need to take to start trading with FBS. These steps are very simple and won’t take much time.

We described these steps in the video “how to open a trading account at FBS” and the video “how to verify your fbs profile”.

Below this panel, in the center of the screen, there’s your main working area. Here you can manage your financial operations, accounts, trading platforms, promotions, and contests.

To deposit money into your account you need to choose the account number in the drop-down menu, the payment system,

Specify the amount of money you want to add to this account and choose the currency.

Then press “confirm”. Withdrawals and internal transfers are done in the same fashion.

You can also choose “deposit funds” option here and look through the list of the payment system and their options.

You will be able to monitor the status of your financial requests in the box on the right.

Pay attention to the option “insure funds”. You can insure your money, so that if you lose the insured amount while trading, FBS will pay it back to you.

Please read carefully the rules of this service. Then you can press the “deposit” button in the table to insure your funds.

In the tab “accounts” you can open a new account. You will need to choose the account type, initial currency, and leverage.

If you want to refresh your knowledge about the account types offered by FBS, click on “account types”.

“accounts archive” contains information about you real accounts with a certain period of activity absence.

In the “trading platform” tab there’s a wide choice of trading platforms. You can download MT4 or MT5 for windows or use the web trader and trade directly at fbs.Com.

Mobile apps are available both for android and ios.

There’s also MT 4 multiterminal option for traders wanting to handle multiple MT4 accounts from 1 single terminal with ease using 1 master login and password.

In the tab “promotions and bonuses” you can see the current offers from FBS. Pick and activate the bonus/service you like.

“contests” tab contains the updates on the running and approaching contests. Our contests will make your forex experience even more fascinating and allow you to get great prizes.

In the bottom of the personal area, you will once again find some important links, such as the financial information, customer agreement, account types, analytics and education, and partnership.

Su área personal

Su área personal en FBS es un lugar donde puede administrar sus cuentas y su interacción con FBS.

Su área personal en FBS es un lugar donde puede administrar sus cuentas y su interacción con FBS.

Aquí puede abrir cuentas de diferentes tipos, hacer solicitudes de depósito y retiro, ver la información sobre concursos, promociones y bonos y descargar plataformas de trading.

¡vamos a explorar esta área!

En el panel superior, podrá cambiar entre las cuentas de trader y de socio, así como cambiar el idioma de la página.

También hay un botón de acceso rápido para hacer un depósito.

Su nombre también se mostrará en el panel superior. A su lado verá un icono verde. Haga click en él y se presentarán una serie de opciones.

En primer lugar, puede editar su configuración del perfil. Puede editar el nombre, la zona horaria, el número de teléfono móvil, el correo electrónico, el país, el código postal, la ciudad y el domicilio.

También puede vincular su área personal a los perfiles de sus redes sociales. Otros ajustes incluyen configuraciones de confirmación y notificaciones por correo electrónico.

Por su seguridad, puede hacer que su área personal sea accesible sólo desde su dirección IP. Para ello, haga click en el botón en la sección de acceso a IP.

Luego copie su dirección IP y péguela aquí. Haga click en "añadir". ¡voila! Esta es su dirección IP permitida.

Si desea hacer las cosas por nivel predeterminado - que su área personal sea accesible desde cualquier dirección IP - simplemente haga click en la cruz roja y volverá a la configuración predeterminada.

Este botón verde en el panel superior también le lleva a varias otras opciones, como ver su historial de inicio de sesión, restablecer la contraseña de su área personal y en curso de verificación, así como cerrar sesión.

Siempre verá sus cuentas en la esquina superior izquierda de su área personal - real y demo y sus saldos.

Si hace click en el número de cuenta, verá la información detallada sobre esta cuenta en el menú principal. Si olvidó la contraseña de una cuenta, puede generar una nueva.

Aquí está, esta opción en la parte inferior de la página. Haga click en "crear nueva" y luego en "generar contraseña". Esta será su nueva contraseña.

Tenga en cuenta que hay varias categorías de cuentas.

"trading" es una cuenta MT4, "trading MT5", por lo tanto, es para las cuentas de metatrader 5 y si quiere ser socio de FBS, necesitará una cuenta especial de "partner".

Junto a cada categoría de cuenta hay un icono "+". Al pulsar este icono, puede abrir una nueva cuenta de una categoría.

El panel grande en el centro superior de la pantalla muestra los pasos que usted necesita realizar para comenzar a operar con FBS. Estos pasos son muy simples y no tomará mucho tiempo.

Describimos estos pasos en el video "cómo abrir una cuenta de trading en FBS" y en el video "cómo verificar su perfil de FBS".

Debajo de este panel, en el centro de la pantalla está su área principal de trabajo. Aquí puede gestionar sus operaciones financieras, cuentas, plataformas de operación, promociones y concursos.

Para depositar dinero en su cuenta, debe elegir el número de cuenta en el menú desplegable, el sistema de pago,

Especificar la cantidad de dinero que desea agregar a esta cuenta y elegir la moneda.

A continuación, pulse "confirmar". Los retiros y las transferencias internas se realizan de la misma manera.

También puede elegir la opción "depositar fondos" aquí y mirar a través de la lista de sistemas de pago y sus opciones.

Podrá monitorear el estado de sus solicitudes financieras en el cuadro de la derecha.

Preste atención a la opción "asegurar fondos". Usted puede asegurar su dinero, de modo que si pierde la cantidad asegurada mientras opera, FBS se lo reembolsará.

Por favor lea cuidadosamente las reglas de este servicio. A continuación, puede presionar el botón "depósito" en la tabla para asegurar sus fondos.

En la pestaña "cuentas" puede abrir una nueva cuenta. Deberá elegir el tipo de cuenta, la moneda inicial y el apalancamiento.

Si desea actualizar sus conocimientos sobre los tipos de cuenta ofrecidos por FBS, haga click en "tipos de cuenta".

"archivo de cuentas" contiene información sobre las cuentas reales con un cierto período de ausencia de actividad.

En la pestaña "plataforma de trading" hay una amplia variedad de plataformas comerciales. Puede descargar MT4 o MT5 para windows o utilizar el web trader y operar directamente en esfbs.Com.

Las aplicaciones para móviles están disponibles tanto para android como para ios.

También está la opción multiterminal de MT4 para los traders que quieran manejar múltiples cuentas MT4 desde un sólo terminal con facilidad utilizando un único usuario y contraseña.

En la pestaña "promociones y bonos" puede ver las ofertas actuales de FBS. Elija y active el bono/servicio que le guste.

La pestaña "concursos" contiene las actualizaciones de los concursos en ejecución y futuros. Nuestros concursos harán que su experiencia forex sea aún más fascinante y le permitirá obtener grandes premios.

En la parte inferior del área personal volverá a encontrar algunos links importantes, como la información financiera, el acuerdo con el cliente, los tipos de cuentas, el análisis y la educación y la asociación.

FBS personal area is in polish now

FBS is continually improving the quality of its products.

FBS, your reliable cysec licensed broker, is happy to announce that the polish language is now available in both web and app versions of the personal area (PA). The polish language is widespread among european traders. Many of them prefer to use trading products in local languages. It makes the whole trading experience much more convenient. And FBS gives them such an opportunity. From now on, polish-speaking traders are able to set their trading process in the language of their liking.

FBS is continually improving the quality of its products. The company has more than 11 years of expertise in the market and appreciate the feedback from the clients. That is why the company presents a new language option.

FBS personal area connects traders with the trading platform of their choice. In the PA, traders create new accounts, manage their funds, check the transaction history, provide personal details for secure trading and even more.

What is more, FBS created its own application called FBS – forex broker, where clients can use all the web PA functions. The user-friendly app is available for android users. Get it on google play and check out the local language.

FBS is an acknowledged, cysec licensed international online forex broker and the official trading partner of FC barcelona. FBS is a broker with an international outlook that serves clients in asia, latin america, europe and MENA. Its primary focus lies in offering financial products for currency, metals and indexes trading for clients with different goals and backgrounds. The company features a low barrier to entry and top-ranking apps. Over 11 years in the field, the broker won 50 international awards, including best international forex broker, best forex brand and most progressive forex broker europ.

Disclaimer: the content of this article is sponsored and does not represent the opinions of finance magnates.

FBS - trading broker 4+

Personal area for traders

FBS markets inc

Iphone screenshots


FBS – mobile personal area is the smart app with all essential information you need for your trading.


FBS – mobile personal area gives you access to features that help you to analyze your trading progress.
Access all your complex trading personal data. Manage funds from any place around the globe. Seeing all the info carefully arranged for you to look at, you will make your daily deals both simple and profitable.

Administer multiple accounts via a single login, track trading statistics, analyze your performance, diversify investments, and use promotional offers.


With the help of FBS – mobile personal area your investing will be more thorough and your trades – more effective. Install one app – make the most out of your active trading. Learn how to invest smart.


In the FBS app you can create real and demo accounts, log in the existing ones, and follow up on your progress on the market.

Use FBS app as your own unique personal area from the most progressive broker online. Profit with the following features:

Registration and verification
- register quick
- access anywhere and anytime
- enjoy easy mobile verification

Accounts’ activity
- create both demo and real accounts to satisfy your trading ambitions
- activate additional options like VPS service
- see a list of archived accounts and restore them, if needed
- double your investments with FBS bonuses

- see the history of your past transactions
- analyze your transactions on different accounts via the dashboard

Profile’s activity
- modify personal data easily
- check the verification documents and status

With FBS – mobile personal area, you will have access to the most crucial info that will help in your daily trading. Download the application to get most out of trading and progress as a trader on the financial market.

- multilingual customer support available 24/7
- user-friendly interface that simplifies your trading routine
- customizable dashboard with a list of active accounts
- fast and straightforward management of your finances per trading account

Create a personal area to your liking: modify, analyze, and see how your trading experience improves daily. It’s a win today and profit tomorrow!

One broker – limitless opportunities!

FBS is an acknowledged, licensed international online broker and the official trading partner of FC barcelona football team. We are present in 190+ countries, have more than 370 000 partners, and more than 14 million active traders; for more than ten years, we provide secure, innovative, and client-friendly financial services.

Join the best broker. Trade stocks, metals and over 50 currency pairs online. With us as your broker trading can go on the new heights.

FBS personal area is in polish now


The polish language is widespread among european traders. Many of them prefer to use trading products in local languages. It makes the whole trading experience much more convenient. And FBS gives them such an opportunity. From now on, polish-speaking traders are able to set their trading process in the language of their liking.

FBS is continually improving the quality of its products. The company has more than 11 years of expertise in the market and appreciate the feedback from the clients. That is why the company presents a new language option.

FBS personal area connects traders with the trading platform of their choice. In the PA, traders create new accounts, manage their funds, check the transaction history, provide personal details for secure trading, and even more.

What is more, FBS created its own application called FBS – forex broker, where clients can use all the web PA functions. The user-friendly app is available for android users. Get it on google play and check out the local language.

FBS is an acknowledged, cysec licensed international online forex broker and the official trading partner of FC barcelona. FBS is a broker with an international outlook that serves clients in asia, latin america, europe, and the MENA. Its primary focus lies in offering financial products for currency, metals, and indexes trading for clients with different goals and backgrounds. The company features a low barrier to entry and top-ranking apps. Over 11 years in the field, the broker won 50 international awards, including best international forex broker, best forex brand, and most progressive forex broker europe.

FBS — mobile personal area

Your smart app with essential trading information

Access all your complex personal data involved in trading and manage funds from any place around the globe. With the info arranged concisely and comprehensively, your daily deals will be both simple and transparent.

In the FBS app you can create new accounts, log in the existing ones, and see your current balance.

Make the most out of your mobile personal area!

Manage settings

Customize your account, provide personal details for secure trading and select the most convenient payment method.

Use dashboard

Look through the full list of active account options and analyze the statistics to improve your performance.

Control finances

Deposit funds, withdraw profit, and analyze the history of your past transactions.

We have more to offer!

Multilingual customer support

Metatrader account details

Download FBS personal area for free

Access your personal area from any place

System requirements

Operating system: android 4.4+

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Choose your payment system

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FBS personal area (client portal) now available for android smart phones!

FBS released a mobile personal area for account management.

FBS released a new mobile personal area for android — a great way to access your FBS account while on the go!

Here are the opportunities the android users will have:

  • Open and manage your accounts on the go (applicable for the demo and real accounts)

  • Activate the 100% deposit bonus

  • Verify your personal data (email, phone number, identity)

  • Deposit and withdraw via multiple payment systems in just a few swipes

  • Enable the swap free option

  • Change your metatrader password and get the download link if necessary

From the step-by-step registration to the overall descriptive statistics, FBS application will make you enjoy the user-friendly experience.

Difficult data kept easy!

Go to FBS official website from below and get your app today.

The future is mobile — are you in or are you out?

With the mobile personal area, any place on earth can be your office anytime you want.

Meet this future today — download the FBS app on google play or hit the button for direct download.

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FBS is an online forex & CFD broker based in belize and founded in 2009.

1:3000 highest leverage in the world & gorgeous bonus promotions only with FBS.


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Who is hercules.Finance?

Hercules.Finance is a financial education website powered by a team of financial specialists and IT experts, mainly introduce solutions of forex, CFD and commodity investment, and a number of payment services. With more than 30 partnered companies all over the world, hercules.Finance offers trusted and timely information for investors and users of the services. By referring to hercules.Finance, you can find all latest news/information, financial technical/fundamental analysis, main/exclusive bonus promotions of partnered companies and a number of educational materials of finance. For the list of all partnered companies, please visit here. For more latest information of the website, please visit hercules.Finance.

Risk warning

Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

FBS — mobile personal area

Aplikasi pintar anda dengan informasi trading penting

Akses semua data pribadi anda yang digunakan dalam trading dan kelola dana dari mana saja di seluruh dunia. Dengan informasi yang dikemas secara ringkas dan menyeluruh, transaksi anda setiap harinya akan menjadi lebih mudah dan menguntungkan.

Di aplikasi FBS, anda bisa membuat akun demo dan real, login langsung ke akun yang sudah ada, dan meninjau progres anda di pasar.

Manfaatkan personal area mobile anda sebaik mungkin!

Mengelola pengaturan

Sesuaikan akun anda, lewati semua tahapan verifikasi, dan pilih metode pembayaran yang paling nyaman.

Menggunakan dashboard

Meninjau daftar lengkap dari opsi akun yang aktif dan menganalisis statistik untuk meningkatkan kinerja anda.

Mengontrol keuangan

Melakukan deposit dan menarik profit, melakukan transfer internal dan memeriksa riwayat transaksi sebelumnya.

Masih banyak lagi yang kami sediakan!

Dukungan pelanggan dengan berbagai bahasa

Akses ke bonus deposit 100%

Unduh FBS secara gratis

Akses personal area anda dari mana saja

Persyaratan sistem

Sistem operasi: android 4.4+

Ruang yang dibutuhkan: 25 mb

Bagikan informasi ini ke teman anda

Tarik dana dengan sistem pembayaran bank lokal

FBS at social media

Hubungi kami

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  • Telegram

  • Whatsapp

Website dioperasikan oleh FBS markets inc.; pendaftaran no. 119717; FBS markets inc diatur oleh IFSC, dengan nomor lisensi IFSC/60/230/TS/19; alamat di: 2118, guava street, belize belama phase 1, belize

Layanan ini tidak tersedia di negara-negara berikut: jepang, AS, kanada, inggris, myanmar, brazil, malaysia, israel, dan republik islam iran

Transaksi pembayaran dikerjakan oleh НDС technologies ltd.; pendaftaran no. HE 370778; alamat di: arch. Makariou III & vyronos, P. Lordos center, block B, office 203

Untuk kerja sama, silakan hubungi kami melalui email support@fbs.Com atau telepon +35 7251 23212.

Peringatan risiko: sebelum anda mulai trading, maka anda harus benear – benar memahami risiko yang terlibat di dalam pasar uang, trading dengan margin, dan juga wajib mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan anda.

Setiap bentuk penyalinan, reproduksi, dan materi apapun dari website ini hanya tersedia dengan ijin tertulis.

Pemberitahuan pengumpulan data

FBS menyimpan catatan data anda untuk menjalankan website ini. Dengan menekan tombol "setuju", anda menyetujui kebijakan privasi kami.

So, let's see, what we have: your personal area at FBS is a place where you can manage your accounts and your interaction with FBS. At personal area fbs

Contents of the article

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